What sort of creatures are krill?
Correct answer: Crustaceans

holy heck I am the first to answer where r all the no it all's or question too easy people I love this game whether I get it rite or rong cause I still learn

Syr Hal
There are two correct answers here. Krill are both arthropods and crustaceans. (Crustacea is a sub-phylum of the phylum Arthropoda.)

YOU SHOULD MAKE ANY COMMENTS YOU WANT TO so long as it is not nasty slobbers!

Krill oil is now popular in pharmaceuticals.

wildlifebuffet, if you've got something to add, important or not, go on, enlighten us (those of us who care to be enlightened, that is).

Goblin, Sea Monkeys are Brine Shrimp (Artemis), and are much smaller

Goblin, sea cucumbers 😡

Birdiemom, I thought you got run over or something? you're
still scenting around here.

Maestro1313, Yes. and Kill oil
is fake as Frick it's kill oil
because you're not entirely
getting real krill it's a market

Crustaceans are arthropods though.

Aren't krill also known as sea monkeys? Or are they some other species of tiny crustacean?

Thanks Stevie G

MissmaeRockStar, I just looked at images on the web. Krill and Shrimp looks a like. But the krill is much smaller. Feel free to check

Player #25874027
You would have thought they would evolve to stay in the middle level of the range of migration to avoid being eaten

Player #5100533
MissmaeRockStar, The picture shows a KRILL. They are very tiny, and do LOOK like shrimp. The picture rarely has anything to do with the question or the answer.

Player #5100533
AmbidextrousWolf8977, Use your W's. You're not cute.

the picture shows a shrimp though. I keep shrimp and fish in aquariums. I feed frozen krill to my fish sometimes and my freshwater shrimp look just like what's in the picture but with more color.

Amen Ambidextrous Wolf 8977, said it all