In World War II, the British soldiers known as the 'Forgotten Army' fought where?
Correct answer: Burma

great question .my grandfather was one of the British soldiers on Burma his story's left chills down your spine. rip grandad

These are the guys who built "The Bridge on the River Kwai"

Player #2033922
MCcarpy10, my father too, was a POW there during WWII for 3.5 years. Horrendous experience

My Grandad too, he never spoke of his time stationed there. The only thing we know is that he was a medic, and he enjoyed the food.
I often think, that he didn't want us to know the full extent of what he witnessed. ☹️

Lady V
My uncle was a POW war there, at the age of 93 he'd still get nightmares over what happened to him during that time. He was traumatized for life.

V.Loc 32
Boudicca warrior, my Dad was there.He wouldn’t take about it. I have his Burma Star medal. Wish I knew more.☹️

V.Loc 32
Innish, so sad isn’t it? My Dad was in the jungle there, he too didn’t want to talk about it.

My dad was in Burma in WWII. In what was OSS now CIA. He was an advisor to Bermese troops.

My grandad was part of the remy and was stationed in Burma during ww2, he never talked about it much but once he let slip about standing on a hill and bullets just whizzing through the air! It was a terrifying sound he said, that might not have happened in burma but it's all I remember him saying about the war.

Boudicca warrior
MCcarpy10, so was my Granddad,

Player #107846886
my grandfather fought in Burma bless him. He never spoke of it

V.Loc 32, My father in law was there, for 5 solid years...he never spoke of it either, but suffered with Maleria every year for most of his life.

my great grandfather served in Burma fell in love with a local woman after the war she moved to England and they married.❤

I’ve been reading through a lot of comments and I’m humbled by the sacrifices people have made to allow us a good life lifestyle. Love and respect to all the hero

Player #8544542, my dad was a pow. 6 stone when released, he would talk about being beaten and because they were starving would eat all the bugs they could find. he always said the Japanese were worse than the Germans.

Natasha Granville
My Grandad from UK was there. He survived but would never talk about it.

Neville Warren
Lady V, my grandad. was a prisoner also. he died at the age of 52.

Player #36706907
MCcarpy10, my grandfather was there too

Player #39270181
My grandfather was Special Forces in Burma he had gurkhas and chindits with him.

Player #31658741
my father was a pow in Thailand captured at the fall of Singapore

Player the.... sav
My dad served for the British, Royal West Kents and witnessed some awful atrocities during the battle for the hill at kohima, if I've spelt that correct

Innish, my grandad too was a medic and pow but no further details

Wea5el 89
My grandad fought in Burma too! I have all his memorabilia and Burma start at home :) rip all who fought bravely in both world wars

My grandad was one of those recruited in India. Legend ❤

Player #13286156
My uncle was a Chindit in Burma during WW2 fighting alongside the Gurkhas he had some grim tales about jungle fighting

Player #10096981
MCcarpy10, God bless your grandfather

Player #6838813
MCcarpy10, my grandpa as well RIP

Maybelle Dubberzung
MCcarpy10, my great grandfather fought and died there... his body never found. I read his correspondence and it kills me

Player #8544542
MCcarpy10, My Dad fought in Burma. He would never talk about his time out there.

WaldoLydeker, that bridge is in Thailand

Player #2156451
WaldoLydeker, not mate one unit

Player #2772048
Player #2033922, my great uncle too. He never recovered.

Player SQinfoNUTS
V.Loc 32, my dad was at Pearl Harbor when it was bombed. he wa Commission in the field and was a navigator pilot. My mother relates to me that he too did not want to talk about the war.

V.Loc 32
Boudicca warrior, sorry, talk not take.☺️

V.Loc 32
Player #1140948, the Japanese.

Lady V, May he rest in piece

WiseWoman, another "UnWiseWoman" mean streak special I see.