The phrase 'pecking order' originated in the traditional behaviour of which birds?
Correct answer: Chickens

Victoria Vest
you dont want a chicken for christmas kid it will peck your eye out

Player #2961334
Such "fowl behavior" tsk tsk

Michael Ivanovich
This study was actually conducted with turkeys, wiki doesnt always have the correct information. The study was also later conducted with other fowl to confirm results...

like this if you got it right

Player #13027493
Player #28465755, I love my chickens. Great pets. All with their own personalities.

dujio, Didn't you ever hear the term:"hen pecked?"

Player #28465755
I have chickens they are sweet as can be. Sit on my lap to be petted. Different breeds different temperaments.

suhavi, Just because you are smart with math doesn't mean you know everything. You can do reading without math, but you can't do math without reading.

Penny Plant
chickens stink. had some when I was married to my ex husband, he smelled pretty bad too

i got chickens. its true

my chickens are gentle souls

It tried to scam

Giggle Pig
Player #13027493, I love mine too. And no people they cannot fly; they can flap and jump pretty well, but they cannot fly.

When linking 2 complete sentences with “however,” you need a semicolon to separate them: (…; however,…) and a comma after however.

I took a course in psychology in college so I knew it was chickens.

The more you know!

that's funny #2961334

Player #116086491
البته العربي

Awesomejack2015, I got chickens.its turn

Evy, Have you ever looked up videos on the Fibonacci Sequence on YouTube? You'd love it!!

Penny Plant, Lol!! When you change their straw regularly, and don't let all that nastiness build up, they actually smell kìnd of nice... but it does take some work!

Player SIAMEZER CAT , SIAMEZR CAT my grandmother who was born in the later 1800s always used to say that math was everything in every person's everyday life and as I've gotten older I realize that now I don't know if you're aware but Pluto has a Star Talk channel and it's host is Neil deGrasse Tyson along with many guests love the way what episode brought out math in every aspect of life I like to think math is the music of the Stars

Player #13027493, personalities like spicy and extra crispy

like to have a credit for you to take you out and pay for it

Nigel SP
Evilalt, great song!!

Imhvnfn, or illness they fly up to your face. They can go short distances, ie to rest in tree branches.

“silly”…. hens are just female chickens; roosters are male chickens.
Like cows are female or bulls are male when you talk about beef…

Joey, different meaning; very gendered and implies a dynamic between two people, not the social hierarchy of multiple or many people or animals within a group. (Even a pack of dogs can be said to have a ‘pecking order’ for example.)

Player SIAMEZER CAT, different meaning. And many, if not most, birds engage in some kind of pecking.

Player #1939301, Do not reveal your age! You are on a world wide network! Do not give out your e-mail, phone number, any personal data! For REAL!

Shouldn't the answer say hen and not chicken? Cus chicken is what we eat

SVTWOOZI, geese do too. raised them. great guard dogs on the farm.

I have hens but no roosters. One of the hens takes on the rooster role and dominates all the others (by pecking them).

Smilla Färdig
It only happens when there's not enough space and/or food or other resources, it's not actually a natural behavior.

Monsieur Plow
Tks to woodywoodpker here !

im looking for duck as an answer lol

rajit singh
nice question 😇💢

this was pretty easy but fun. I asked one of my friends and then couldn't guess until i said some clues. Fun!

damnn pecking is not a geese?!!?? geezz

Player #37013888
How to carry on to level 7