Which of these chemical elements has a symbol beginning with the letter T?
Correct answer: Titanium

LOL, I thought it was a trick question and picked the only non-T element.

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
Fun guy, W is used for tungsten because an alternating name for it is Wolfram.

Isn't it blunderful.
With my mind operating @ "warped" speed, knew Tin was Sn, couldn't find Ti, so picked Tungsten, then internally shrieked "Yikes, that's W". Got confirmation it was Wrong.
BEGINS with letter "T" you dumbkopf.
Time to take a break...

Player Elf Counsel
TipTopChimera15684, Yes. And titanium begins with t. It doesn't ask if it's the whole symbol.

Muddyd58, and probably why you spelled learn with two "r". we must be kinder to each other.

Player GruffSecretAg
Tin alloyed with Copper makes Bronze. When most other man-made objects are "destroyed" by the elements, Bronze statues and such will still exist because of its resiliency!

filows, It says " it starts with T". 😊

Zell. I am a female
I'm so glad I got it right

Kman and Ash
it's good I play games instead of doing school work

Fun guy
how does Tungsten get W ?

This is the most difficult level for me. I made 8 mistakes! I must start learning again.

Player #14348023
Ti is titanium or T

Kman and Ash, I agree

Player @_5())5##$$;"77
what is platnum ??

shesna shaju
സൂപ്പർ ഗെയിം

Master Pop
filows, but they mentioned it has the beginning of "T"

Player Elf Counsel, Exactly !!

y'all should have read the question carefully

TipTopChimera15684, it say's
begins with T