When were The Rolling Stones formed?
Correct answer: 1962

and they're still going.

"Gimme Shelter", best song of all time.

Player #1111308
They said they named the group after an old song by Muddy Waters. "Like a Rollins Stone".

Player #30601169
When I was 12 I bought the single "Let's Spend the Night Together". My friend and I played it over and over again every day when we went home for lunch from school. When my mom found out about it, she was appalled because of the subject. I was a very naive 12 year old and had no idea what she was talking about. LOL. Still my favourite Stones song.

Dave Wheeldon ll
penawareof, best album track I agree best single paint it black or honky tonk.

Lenny the Clam, Gimme Shelter isn't about heroin. it's about war, conflict, and the world closing in around you.

Was always more of a Beatles fan, but came to appreciate the Stones in last couple of decades. Have to admire their staying power.

Player #2302284
One of my favorite classic groups. Satisfaction is my favorite song

Player #30601169
I recently read that the Stone's "bad boy" reputation came from their manager trying to figure out how to make them stand out from the Beatles and other bands if the day. He decided that they should present a bad boy image, so they did and it's stuck ever since.

beast of burden, she comes in colors like a rainbow

Beatles never got along with the Stones.

Wow! 62 years of rock and roll! The walking cadavers of rock!

Alexandra Kendall, not sure about that. He had been up for 5 or 6 days taking drugs B4 he died, and they could get the best drugs in those days

( Snail Darter), Mick finally grew into his face. Or I just got used to it.

pamela, my answer to that is usually just "yes."

Ruby Woo, yeah, we're old but the music of our youth was amazing and can make us feel like teenagers again!

Paint it Black, Angie, You Can't Always Get Want, and more too many to name, are amongst my favourites.

those are smiles of millionaires who dont have to worry that rent is due in a couple of days. blessed

William Crowe
Ruby Woo, people who are born that era are compared to a vino or wine..they mellow with time,,the more they aged the more they become the cream of the crop..Getting old is something few people are blessed with..A lot of them dont even experience maturity..they die young..be glad were a product of a golden generation..a rare generation of people..V.S.O.P.

One of my favourite bands

Ruby Woo
60 years ago, and I remember all of it. I feel so old!

I can't get no satisfaction, my favorite

Alexandra Kendall
MGK114, Brian was a terrific swimmer. He was murdered.

Alexandra Kendall
Player #1111308, Brian Jones named them. The rest of the band had nothing to do with it.

Player #15592630, What about when the answer is both Stones AND Beatles???

The answer to the question "stones or beatles?" sizes up anyone with one word...; )

Player #32567393
Mama Crow,
Cozzy 25,
Beatles, not beetles. 😎

Mama Crow
Beetles, Beach Boys, and Stones. My favorites in the 60s.

mick dundee
Shaddy1997, same, probably appreciate the stones more now, Beatles more poppy, stones more rock I think

mick dundee
penawareof, sympathy for the devil far better

Greatest band of all time...
Because they’re still going...

Player #13343068
TRexTaunterNZ, my favorite Stones song

Player #13343068
Player #9442102, saw them in Philly on that tour

Player #9442102
MagicMonkee66, I saw them in Cleveland at the old stadium. When they did Honky Tolk Woman two huge blow up dolls ballooned up on the ends of the stage! Good times.

Player #21
TRexTaunterNZ, yes it is....

Suzanne m. Russell
Love the Rolling Stones & Ruby Tuesday@ Mick J

Sympathy for the Devil....best song that never grows old