What was the first American movie production of over 180 minutes?
Correct answer: Gone With the Wind

Player #2805603
my mom's favorite movie

Love this movie! I'm currently reading a book about Ann Rutherford, who played Careen, the youngest O'Hara sister.

Player #11298023
got my first job because of Gone with Wind girl got fried from her job called in sick found out she went to see Gone With Wind she got fired. l got hired

Longer movies are presented in serial, ie The Winds of War.

i love "The Movies"! it's a sweet game I still replay every year.

Donna, Hi . Roots is a series although there was a Christmas movie that was only 2 hours with Fiddler and Kunta Kinte both by Alex Haley. Excellent series that premiered in January 1977, that inspired many to trace their own roots and Ancestry.com

reclusivesavyigloo, what about "Roots"?

Tina's twin
player #2805603, my momma's favorite too.

My favorite book and movie. I've read the book over a thousand times and watched the movie 700+ times (lost count).

tystyx, 😀