Who invented the Caesar Salad?
Correct answer: An American of Italian origin

SC WizKid
when was caesar salad ever "cooked"?

So many inconsistencies. They left out the anchovies too! Traditional Ceaser salads always have anchovies, but popularly, are left out to accommodate the mass public.

I think they have the Caesar salad confused a bit with a chef's salad.

Player #32825072
Cesar salad was developed by a Mexican chef

Steve A
SC WizKid, Cooked is a Strange term for caesar salad!!

I'm glad they said eggs because I use them on my Caesar salads.

Seems most restaurants leave out the boiled eggs. I love Caesar salad and use caeser dressing on many things.

What is a ‘Spanish’ ?

a Spanish person is referred to as a Spaniard. NOT as a Spanish.

Player #32825072, A Mexican chef in SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA.

wasn,t it a chef in Tijuana Mexico

My truly favourite kind of salad. Eating too much of it, not only is healthy, but it takes one back to the days of the Roman Empire and it's Roman Praetors...!

I’ve never heard of a fresh salad being “cooked”. It is tossed or mixed.

I believe the true Caesar salad used a raw egg, not a cooked one

Without anchovies or anchovy paste, it is not a true Caesar salad. Sorry. That’s the international recipe.

Dieu linh
Cau dI luc chon quâhy

Player #27327294
Gary, I've never even seen a Caesar salad with eggs much less been served one.

TimO, Spanish salad is a refreshing summer salad made with tomatoes,cucumbers,spring onion.capers and olives.

It was Invented in 1924!!

Player #3532789
Player Cosmo Chic, Technicality that is not accurate. I once ate a most delicious "cooked salad" in a restaurant in Dublin. Brought my friends back and we all had it. Absolutely delicious and I am not a fan of ant cooked vegetables!!! Yummy!!

Player #4625271
SC WizKid,
Duh.....and your name is wizkid???
Any culinary cuisine in preparation is "cooked".

I invented ceaser salad

I'm not sure who should get credit for inventing the Caesar salad, but I will say that Cardini's Caesar salad dressing is excellent!

You forgot to mention he was living in Mexico.

Player #196466, I've been to the place in Ensenada. They lay claim to Caesar salad

Player #196466
i question this answer. shouldnt be asked.