What is a Rhode Island Red?
Correct answer: An American reddish breed of chicken

Sheila Wilson, A rooster is a male chicken of any breed.

Scrambled, fried, poached, on steak, in salads, Easter Eggs! I could go on and on. Hurrah for the chicken - and my favorite, "Fried Chicken", Happy New Year!!!🎶

Player #21374632
rinnypink, growing up, we raise our own chickens, so knew this, i would cook big pot of homemade chicken and dumplings,, fried chicken every Sunday for dinner with homegrown vegetables, don’t eat like anymore, family and food has changed, you notice that ?

We don't often think about how much chickens contribute to our diet. This question got me thinking about how many
culinary uses there are for the eggs alone, not to mention the meat.

Player #13501314
if I didn't get this i would be kicked out my state lol

Player #29793410
Rhode Island Reds are excellent layers and the eggs they give are excellent.

rinnypink, how very odd...he most resembles a white leghorn!

Player. Ty
That's where Brown Eggs come from! (P.S) There is no difference,,,, Just who laid them.😎

Player #21374632, yes, things have changed,,I also raised chickens and hogs, had a big family and a big garden, canned vegetables and black berries, peaches, boiled peanuts in brine in big black pot in the back yard, etc, had big Sunday dinners too after Church hours , many cousins, friends, aunts, uncles, in.laws stopping by to visit etc,, those good ole times are gone, i really miss them too,!

Player #2419805
Rhode island reds is a great chicken to have

My daughter raised chickens for 4-H and competed in chicken shows.

Player #21374632, I grew up on a chicken "ranch"!
people laugh when I say that but, in my opinion farms are where produce is grown, which we also did, but a ranch raises livestock!
We had over 8 thousand White Leghorn chickens and 4 to 6 thousand RHODE ISLAND REDS, as well as Cornish Rock Hens, geese and ducks!
Y'all know!! A Ranch!!🥴

proud RI girl here!

Player #34764305
wasn't Foghorn Leghorn a Rhode Island Red?

Player #23184202
There is a monument to the Rhode Island Red in Little Compton RI, where they were first bred.

Now Chickens have no taste.

we have 131 chickens so we get awhole lot eggs

Player. Ty, brown eggs come from a variety of chickens, not just one type. Some varieties of chickens even lay blue and green eggs!

Player #9442102
Birdiemom, I thought his name was foghorn leghorn. maybe he thought of himself as a Rhode island red!

Player #5100533
Birdiemom, Hence the name.

Player #5100533
rinnypink, I knew it because I'm Smart, & learned about the different breeds of Chickens.

Why did the Rhode Island Red cross the road?

EliteLawyercat57024, Thank you same to you 2019

[bobbo16], I prefer white eggs over brown. Making an omelette, brown eggs dont produce enough fluffiness and the taste is just a little too rich for me.