What was the name of President Clinton's family cat?
Correct answer: Socks

FuriousKangaroo41759, The dog should've been relocated as Socks was there first. Poor kitty probably missed his family. Or they could've just kept them separated. I have cats that don't care for the dogs, and they have their own section of the house. I'm just glad he was loved.

Rand Al'Thor
FuriousKangaroo41759, I agree wholeheartedly! I've owned 11 cats in my life and the only time i ever got rid of one was when it was too sick to enjoy life anymore. I then had it humanely euthanized at the vet and stayed by their side till the end. All 11 have been strays or rescues. I currently have 5. ☺🐱

Socks may be the correct answer but I have to admit that Misty Malarkey was pretty darn funny.

Socks is a cute name for white paws!

5 yrs ago my cat Socks died of pneumonia. He was a big orange tabby full of life. It was almost a yr previous (6 yrs ago) when I lost my cat "Pnutty pooh-pooh" to a hit&run driver. I very much miss them to this day.

Straight chillin' in that pic

Da' Boss
i cant belive i got this right!! i guessed!!

aww...this was a sweet question and Socks seemed like a very sweet kitty. I do remember Socks from my childhood. This made me smile 😃

Player #20140387
look at the cat s expression. It seems like he didnt like this occasion with so many political magnates since he was tired of the ridiculous things they always done. It s hilarious.

LeBron James junior
I like the name Socks

Collins Edward
medcop2001, Hello 👋, how're you doing today?

GrimSpace481, Distinct possibility.

Funny, how you remember many trivialities. Of course, I was glad at the outcome.

Player #140153813
I've never even thought of presidential family cats. As a dog lover, I've only focused on the canines. Now I'm regretting not looking into other pets as an animal lover in general! How interesting, and what a sweet story!

Player #140153813
Bjach, I agree!

Lionessa, I didn’t realize this was a political forum. I see no verification links.

I have a computer mouse pad with the face of Socks that I bought at the Clinton Library in Little Rock.

Rand Al'Thor, I grew up around cats and it seems like everytime we get more than five cats they just get sickly. I don't think they are supposed to live together in big numbers.

Em, my daughter just got a kitten (4th one!), and she named her socks, due to having white fur on all four paws

You have to love a first 😺.

Rand Al'Thor, That is the right thing to do if they are so sick, old and unhealthy.

Em, My dog is named Spade. I didn't land on Spade, Spade landed on me😂🤣

Southpaw, Very strange. Much like all those State Police/former bodyguards of Gov. Clinton who died in mysterious one-car crashes in Arkansas just as he was about to run for President.

I think this game is fabulous. It really helps refresh my memory.

Rand Al'Thor, you should not even be talking

Who names their cat socks🤔

My grandma had a cat named Socks too so it makes it easier to never forget the Clinton’s cat name. 😂

not so smart
I got that one right

Tumbleweed54, it's random trivia that's what we're here for

Interesting!! I never knew that. But why, if he had a home, would he leave it? Especially his sibling

John, they live an average of 15 years longer if they stay in the house.

penawareof, and boots and sneakers and mittens

Player #117622275
Rand Al'Thor, We have 5 left of the 7 community cat's we adopted. Many others were taken to ASPCA no kill shelters. Community cat's are cat's (sometimes happens to dogs) that are left behind when tenants leave apartments.

We'll see if we have a picture 🖼️ I can get a new one for you and what time is your appointment tomorrow morning at the 🏥💊

I knew it but I spelled it wrong, I HATE the spelling questions

Smeegie Marie
I wasn't even looking at the picture. Hahaha....oh well... I guess you can tell by my profile pic that I love my fur baby too, and of course her name is Smeegie. She was named before I rescued her from her other "mom" and I tried to change it, but she's really stubborn and we landed on Smeegie. A little differentiation from the name of the little creature on "Lord of The Rings". Can't spell that right now.

penawareof, I know

I know ez

medcop2001, our cat loved hanging out with our dog. They were best buddies.

Unfortunately, Socks committed suicide, using a shotgun to the back of the head. He will be missed. LOL