What happens to the sugar content of fruit during the process known as bletting?
Correct answer: It increases

Montana Lady, birds get drunk off of fallen berries that ripen to much

Montana Lady
lostiaz, just try to remember that the squirrels get drunk on apple cider in the fall.

i must be a complete dunce, are these fruits american cause I've never heard of medlars, quince, tree service fruits.

Player Ejag
What are medlars??

[bobbo16], persimmon are sweet. You just need to let them ripen. I love them.

MoodyChef92025, I'll never forget as a child, watching the birds fly I to my grandmother's picture window. They were drunk drunk drunk from eating the berries off the two mountain ash trees LOL!!!

Montana Lady, they get drunk on pumpkins too!

MadMarcus1812, we had quinces and persimmons in California, but I never knew mountain ash was edible and never heard of medlars or service tree fruit.

Player #66817220
MadMarcus1812, I'm American, and I've never heard of them either.

Player #97157890, Does the service tree fruit grow in England? I never heard of it and it's not in my Gardener's Encyclopedia. Maybe it has another name?

Player Ejag, I wish I knew THAT as well??

MadMarcus1812, I'm relieved that I'm not the only one here who was wondering exactly THAT!!🤔🙄😟

Player #97157890
MadMarcus1812, all grow well in England and medlar make fantastic jelly!

Player Ejag, fruits that meddle with other fruits. sorry couldn't help myself 😂

MadMarcus1812, I don't think they are American. I've only seen quince mentioned in English historical novels

Player #66817220
Uninitialized, no, it's because you have to take your time at it. (It's right there in the name.)

Player #66817220
Davy, Livingston, we had a crabapple tree when I was a kid. The only thing I remember them being good for was throwing them at each other.

Player #66817220
MoodyChef92025, it's not a matter of over-ripening. Fungus (yeast) in the environment invades the fruit, consumes the sugar, and leaves alcohol behind as a waste product (fermentation).

Yes Persimmons become really sweet and very nice

Player Bengal Mama
Player Ejag, my neighbors.

Player #19222106
That’s a neasberry! I lOVE that fruit. You’ll know it if you’re from Jamaica.

LolaB, So did i

Is that why you have to wait for first frost to pick sloes for slow gin?

Tina Marie
Reno, first thing I noticed

Player Ejag, i meant the comment to go to you,not LolaB, sorry, oops.

Player LolaB, i wish i knew,,I'm not from the States or European I would like to know too?

Becca Sue
MadMarcus1812, I guess we will have to research this one....in the US, I have heard of quince, though I don't know the plant, and of service berry. The rest are unfamiliar. Not European, huh?

Soft mushy bananas anyone?

I got it totally wrong, lol