Who was the highest scoring American ace of World War I?
Correct answer: Eddie Rickenbacker

Wow. This is very poorly worded.

Montana Lady
I don't know why the syntax of this specific answer is being singled out. Many answers in this game aren't written perfectly, which I suspect is a consequence of the game developers trying to give us so much accurate background information on each question.
While it may not make the Grammar Nazis happy, the important thing is that it CAN be understood. In any case, I appreciate the time its author spent sharing the information, perfectly written or not.

Close your eyes...take a breath...and tell yourself, "it's just a game"!!!

3/5 Black Knight
one key fact that was omitted is that he shot down 21 planes and 4 balloons.

Montana Lady, Do you ever say anything in ten words or less?

Player #118357
Player #185561, OK then, what does "more of a foolhardy" mean? It's informative but poorly worded.

This tells us nothing about him, and would get a failing grade on a primary school history assignment. Might get a D in English, so you have that going for you.

Player #11503902
Montana Lady, I am not a grammar Nazi. However, running their detailed information by a fellow writer or better an editor, would help their game appear even more professional.

HyperViper5789, Argumentative thing aren't you?? Bad diction's bad diction and should be proofread more carefully when appearing in a game available worldwide.

Player Old and Bold
Snoopy thought so too !

love the game, I'm hooked! But you have charged me twice in 24hrs.

Wannabe Vulcan
toadicusrex, it's the wording of the question that I object to. "Highest-scoring" makes war sound like a game. which is obscene.

Montana Lady, The quiz questions are created by players like you and I in a companion app called Quiz Creator. So, as with the questions I submitted, I supply most of the the explanation from my own knowledge. I am happy to say that my grammar skills are good, so that won't be a problem. Other contributors may lack polish in their grammar skills.

made good popcorn too

very interesting and enlightening..Ty

Nation heros had to survive murder and two world wars? What is the explanation for surviving a murder... 😂😂😂 and what does that look like? Anyone...?

Player #Abi_gezunt
Apparently the commentors that are criticizing the "developers" of this app, don't realize that the questions, answers and explanations are submitted by other players. For example this was submitted by "noahjoew".

Tur D'ferguson
Rickenbacker also survived 24 days in the pacific ocean, adrift in a life raft, after a B-17 in which he was a passenger, ran out of gas and ditched.
I think he was president of an airline
I think he was theesident of

yeah ...How many enemy aircraft did he shoot down????

Player #35757612
toadily agreed with toadicusrex

Guillermo Jr.
Richard Bong? was that a real person?

3/5 Black Knight, thank you. I was looking for this kind of info

A simple straightforward history question.

Wow! Is this a fun game and a contest to belittle people in the comments?

Player #14714764
No proofreading required?

explanation sounds like it was written by someone from barstool. very disrespectful

Player #6723658
Lenny the Clam, Great grammar; er, until the "man oh man".

bigkenparrish, I also happen to love history and got this question correct.

Player #11503902
Player #118357, Foolhardy is a real word, which basically means he made dangerous choices.

i thought it was Bong (a name I learned from this game). Anyway, Rickenbacker was amazing... he survived murder!

Player BirchTree
bigkenparrish, There was a movie about him. I remember it.

More knowledge to reduce my ignorance.

Eckhar The Black Gen
Who did he murder?

toadicusrex, kinda makes it sound like he profiteered from the military industrial machine

Amazing man.

Becca Sue
jimmyhoward3535, I think he is from Columbus, Ohio. Things here are named after him.

WalkinDoom, While you are criticizing Player #185561's comment, you should mind your own spelling - "you're" in your comment should be "your"

toadicusrex, could you do better?

Lenny the Clam, all of the above