In England, what is a 'Thankful Village'?
Correct answer: One where all their men returned from WWI

there is a village in Wales, Herbrandston, that is a doubly thankful village, as in both world wars the men were returned safe

I'm British and I'd never heard of this till doing this quiz

Cheeky chops
As a ex servicemen this is amazing. Only wish I could say I came from one those villages but great to know.

I was born in England but left before I turned 2. Would love to visit me birth place. Bucket list...

Deadpool X Force
It’s so sad all those men that died for their country

Wow, I never knew this, you learn something new every day 😊

wow, that's interesting and heart warning at the same time.


l love learning about these things

I did not know of these

Player #127874817
RedHandsDancing, No, I've never heard of it either. I only got it right through guesswork!

Mellow Mind
Deadpool X Force, They also died for all of us who followed. I’m grateful to all who have served.

Player #118260006
You’re right,”Ellie”

awesome, so many died, they must have been thankful indeed.

Some people actually picked "One where they celebrate Thanksgiving ".

Yep, they're all one thankful village...

too much england, a bit of europe, couple of japan...

Player #68594183
I was wanting to know just exactly how many there was and there are 6116 villages in UK - not including towns and cities. Which gives you an idea to how many people were lost.

sad story i feel bad for the kids stuck with their mom all the time bye

Player #38396803
Me neither and I enjoy history. Never too old to learn, great quizz.

That's on my bucket list!

Player #46342274
In WW1, the British allocated army personnel to units based on where they came from. The result was that, following a disastrous battle, nearly the entirety of the adult male populations from particular towns and villages never came home. The system was revised after the war due to the devastation some communities suffered.

Player #41101684
My husband's great-uncle lived in a thankful village, that's how I knew what they were.

the village just up the road from me is a double thankful village as all returned home from both the 1st and 2nd world wars

Sully Girl
Cheeky chops, thank you for your service

Player #24358685
That's settled: I'm moving to Thierville and raising my kids there!

Evanoso #20862763
what's the number of people? just curious

Player #25082614
I'm British and I've never heard of this before!

Player #21198126
I came from a thankfully village Rodney Stoke

Player van Bowie
Becalor, which part of England was you born,I'm in Kent.?

Player #9906411
i got it rog

Lucky Guess!!!🤩🤩🤩

Player #7250954
im so glad that was such a thing

Wow never heard of that before. Would of liked to of learnt this in history in school. Don't know why ww1 ww2 wasn't taught. No offence but i prefer to learn about my own country first.

I'd be super thankful for that but I'd also be super thankful for not dying in the plague

Player DrH
Cheeky chops, thank you for your service.

Player #7252938
you damn