What is tattooed on Popeye's arm?
Correct answer: An anchor

Lance Preston
They need to keep the tats and the pipe. That’s Popeye. To do any less would be an injustice on the character.

My father told me that the only reason he ate spinach as a child was because of Popeye 😂

popeye the sailor man!!

I say never change the original.The anchors represent stability. Due to lobbying, children are well aware of the negative affects of smoking

please don't change popeye

I used to watch Tom Hatten on KTLA in Los Angeles as a kid and he showed Popeye cartoons. Tom himself is a great artist who would let someone do a "squiggle" and he would expand it to a drawing. I say "is" because Tom still around at 93 years of age.

I use to hate spinach after the first time I tried as a kid pretending to become like Popeye, now I love it. It has packed with vitamins!

Player GG
Ok all you offended by in appropro tattoos, pipes and anchors...get a life. Popeye rocks and all his friends and enemies!

Player #2911918
Old favourite. should keep his tattoo makes him what he is.

Favorite cartoon character of my late son, Popeye, the sailor man.

who here saw the Robin Williams movie?

A toddler is a picky eater and its hard to feed any vegetables until he watch the nursery rhymes and I have to sing it when he eats spinach 😅

you can just😂🖕

🏒Hockey Girl🏒
eloise, bro lucky you I have nine three of us were not adopted which is me and my two brothers we are triplets I think it’s called and the other six where adopted so it’s pretty chaotic and i NEVER get space away from them

🏒Hockey Girl🏒
eloise, I feel you

🏒Hockey Girl🏒
Who is Popeye? Is he a real guy? Or just a cartoon?

how does every one have so many likis

I have four sibilings

69 is such a wearid number

what is tattooed on Popeyes arm

I loved watching Popeye :D

Player #121400860
foxylady08, what about the other one
His pop eye the sailor man, he lives in a caravan, and when he goes swimming he kiss all the women his pop eye the sailor man

what a bummer!??

I don't know him who is he

Has to waste my coins because I forgot😔

Sailorsam84, popeye the sailorman 😂

Lance Preston, you have to stop OK

they need to keep the tats and the pipe.that's Popeye.to do any less would be an injustice on the character

Player #142435940
Lady Anna , 6 5 6

Player #142435940
GillyGirl, 6 4 5 HD 5 3

Player #142435940
foxylady08, f HD 5

Player #142435940
rosetatu50, 3 HD 3

l meant Pop Eye, problems with the Internet.

When l was a young child, l used to watch the programme Piper and Olive.

Same tattoo my uncle had. Navy of course

Player #2911918, I absolutely love Popeye, especially the movie version with Robin Williams, and Shelly Duval,, I love Spinach too, raw and cooked, throw in some butter and parmasen cheese, delicious

Bru I had to spend my coins just to get this right because I didn’t remember

Loved Popeye as he was an humble, honest, patriotic figure for many generations

Rock Harders
Robin Williams played this role with fervor.

I dated olive!