Who is the founder of Dell Computers?
Correct answer: Michael Dell

Listen, i was conflicted a lot. Kept thinking it was a trick question, couldn’t be that easy.

Obvious last name is obvious

sometimes we all need a break.... lol

Ljd3 84
You should see his house here in Austin tx out in the Shepard Mountain area of Austin just past the pennybacker bridge on lake Austin left of the ACC

A trick question hidden within an obvious answer, hidden within a trick question.... I see what you did there!

I knew this one because I own a DELL laptop and I love it

Steve Jobs.... really??

Zell. I am a female
his last name gave it away. lol

Player #2302284
Our 1st computer Dell lasted 20 yrs. Purchased LT it is Dell. Only ones I buy.

Waldo Lydeker
A wunderkind, at 8 he wanted to skip high school by taking an equivalency test! Took apart an Apple computer to see how it worked at age 15. In his spare time, was a pre-med student! At 27, youngest CEO of a company ranked in Fortune magazine. Today, a billionaire, and he's only 56.

Dell was a good give away

Player #23121231
Great day you strangers

Was it easy or a trap question?

My first computer was a Dell..

It’s The Dragon
Boy, imagine making a question THAT EASY

I've met him and his family. I thought they were humble people. I made him and his wife when they came to the cafe I worked at and his children had Cocoa, in Hawaii

should have been obious but I didn't read it through

Brian Matthew
Cubsfan64134, I have one too!!! Wayyyy better than Apple!!!

Player #18002530
nice to get an easy one

I owned "a dell" once. but that's just "Water Under the Bridge." ;)

Player Lorraine4748
Zell. I am a female , True in this case - but not always . . .

Player Lorraine4748
Tanehowl, The obvious answer is not always the right one . . .

Uh, maybe the guy with Dell as a last name?

kitty kitty cat
always the better of the laptops that I have owned

Player #15211602
Dell kind of gives it away

( Snail Darter)
Player #2302284, A piece of junk, along with their outsourcing to third world countries for technical assistance......

( Snail Darter)
Burdman25, I’ve had two over the years and they’re a total piece of crap. When you seek technical help you get someone from Mumbai or Manila that has ridiculously bad English pronunciation.....

Jeff Yelverton
Tim Apple

Dude, your getting a Dell!

well fancy that 😂

apparently I have a low IQ

I knew I was wrong, but I didn't recognize any of the others so I guessed. 🤣

I have a IQ
obvios because Dell's last name...lol😁

Don't need rocket science to answer this one correctly....