What fruit comes in Damson and Mirabelle variety?
Correct answer: Plums

We had a Damson plum tree in our yard when I was a child & we children ate from it all Summer long. My father would have us pick a ton of the plums j take them to an elderly lady who would make jam for us. It was the Best!❤

Jethrine321, My grandmother used to make jam from the Damson plum tree in her yard. I still miss that sweet-tart taste!

Dried plums are called prunes. Lots of fiber in prunes too. Nature's laxative. Plums make a tasty wine, have some in my fridge!

My favourite is the Angelina (similar to a sugar plum) purple skin, quite small, with a yellow tangy sweet flesh. We had a tree when I was younger and I'd eat so many of them, the toilet was my friend LOL

taco bender
dam son that's a good plum!

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
Really getting into fruit now that I’ve had a cancer diagnoses.

In Romania we make the best brandy in the world called Tuica or Palinca out of them

Player Quitos, dried prunes 😂

Player Quitos, peel the prunes boil wit sugar and lemon juice strain it and you have prune juice

Tanya, if you need a laxative for whatever reason 1/2 cup of warm prune juice will work every time

our local orchard is the damson apple orchard. must be their last name

Player Quitos
Tanya, If prunes are dried plums, where does prune juice come from?

I did not know that they came in colors other than plum.🤗

Jethrine321, im smiling.kids and grandmas

Although, if you eat too many Plums,then you might go like you've eaten raw chicken.

BeagleMum, Hi BeagleMum! I've never heard of the Angelina, my favourite is the Victoria plum.

Destino Manifesto
aeynub, why don't you go away and be a smartass in another game. We're all sick of you on this one. We don't care where you go, just go AWAY! 😑

Alexis Eyley