What does an apiarist keep?
Correct answer: Bees

the bee population is declining rapidly. Disease mostly. losing the bees would be Devastating to mankind as a whole.

live in Georgia, and keep bees, just sent 120 hives to California for almond pollenation for the first time for 8 wks, 2 is just going n coming back. Worried bout my sweet Honey's and can't wait to see what almond honey tastes like.

We need to take care of the 🐝 bees.

I see lots of hives in the fields where I live in Northern Michigan. We grow cherries, apples, and many other. The beekeepers I knew take their bees to Florida in the winter to work with the oranges. Those are busy bees!

I live in the CBD of our city, and I haven't seen a honey bee for years. If bees become extinct, so will human beings

my sister & her husband are beekeepers. we recently found out that our great grandfather was also, and I can't wait to see what happens next with theirs!!

Felicity Tams
I love bees but being allergic to their stings have to be careful

a friend who raised bees got the stinger out of my son's hand without killing the bee.

Player #10639782
bees help us eat

My dad should have been a beekeeper. He had a way with bees and they seemed to like him. I have seen him convince a bee to stay on his hand while he took it outside and didn't get stung. It was amazing.

have a friend in Knocklong Limerick Ireland who keeps 🐝

and you can get a better understanding about the bible

Was not aware of the pollination service. Thanks for all the knowledge!

Bees are used to pollinate fields of crops that have been sprayed with tobacco-based pesticide. That is why they are dying. Is it possible no one foresaw this?

Player #117397518
Edmund Hillary (of Everest fame) and Sherlock Holmes were famously beekeepers

Einstein said when bees will die we will have only 4 more years to live

When I was little during spring break I was at my grandparents ranch , I saw my uncle not too far from the house making a lot of smoke and surrounded by some wooden boxes ( I did not know those were beehives) I went to see what was going on and suddenly a lot of bees were all over my long hair stinging my head so much that when I remember I get goosebumps.

wesley, and they will chase you at 15 mph away from their hive. They hate loud noises and will attack you for using a chain saw.

chilipepa50, Bee hive collapse is mostly due to pesticide use, especially neonics, a class of chemicals that are deadly to pollinators & may be causing health issues in children, as well.

A breed of bees referred to as killer bees inhabit many of the Southern States. They are more easily aggravated and can be deadly to both people and animals. If you upset a killer bee nest, do not try to run away, but stand perfectly still. you may suffer a few stings, but the bees are looking for something that is moving.

QuizLord, I've heard that almond honey is nearly inedible, and is not viable for sale.

Sir Edmond Hillary, one of New Zealands greatest bee keepers

my daughter's boyfriend makes mead with honey it's really good. also you can add any fruit to it. bees are very useful to us but I'm scared of them. it's ironic because I've never been stung..they have gotten close but never stung me.

Player #10639782, love honey,,and they help things grow,,including me,lol

Grew up in Almond Country (Northern California) and was around when the FBI busted a mafia-related bee theft ring. There’s a pretty interesting documentary about it. Bee theft is insanely profitable and unfortunately, still occurs.

Everyone is a beekeeper and here I am just an ordinary honey keeper :)

From what I’ve read almond groves are killing honey bees. For some reason they get a disease and die.

Player #36213047
I knew this answer because of The Office

Monk chicky
Thanks to Skyrim for this answer

Player #27526647
I am a beekeeper also. I have learned a lot from my sweet girls.

Player #21374632
QuizLord, ,,you can have that job,,but I do buy honey,,love it,

Gramma C15
LittleTragedy7, I saw a video of that. Amazing!

I play the silly game "Township" ..have an "aviary" with bees.. can't believe I thought of birds tho bc of "aviary", ugh lol

Player #326446, your dad has helped you with the answer, it's too easy for you.

Thank you Sherlock Holmes.

I tended to an apiary while I was in the forestry service !!!