In what country was the first parking meter installed?
Correct answer: United States

i thought uk would of been the first

PointedVirgo58747, Me too. We're so good at charging people for things like parking and breathing.......

Angel Smith, Brings to mind the opening scene in "Cool Hand Luke ". Sic semper tyranus.

One could make the argument that our taxes pay for the roads, therefore it should be free to park. However, living in nyc, i understand how ppl would never be able to find parking if ppl were allowed to park all day. Just to blow ur minds if u dont know; in some streets in Manhattan u get 10 min for $1. Utterly disgusting.

Parking meters are great for places with high demand for visits but limited parking. Without parking meters, a few cars would just sit there all day. With parking meters, people turn over the spaces a lot more frequently. Really crucial for busy cities to get good use from limited space.

FunkyMonkey, Laughable statement

Karen 7
US also charges for driving on certain highways which they call tolls. They will always find a way to charge people

Buzzem, I don't Ike the ones in Indpls Indiana. All computerized and only take charge cards. One can park at 1 space & pay at any meter if you remember the space number.

Fun guy
makes sense USA has more cars.

Player Elf Council
PointedVirgo58747, No. The USA is all about greed so obviously them.

Angel Smith, thanks for that USA it must be catching coz we got them too.