Who provides the voice for the stout-hearted mouse 'Stuart Little' in the movie of the same name?
Correct answer: Michael J. Fox

I love that movie

Player Ejag
Sounds like one I would enjoy because of the actors involved. I read the book to my kids!

Michael J Fox is an amazing human being. He's a talented actor that has persevered while living with a devastating disease. The work he's done on behalf of Parkinson's disease is commendable.

K9Queen , I agree with you 100 percent… there is no one like him…

Another talented Canadian! 🇨🇦

Love the movie as well as Michael J. Fox!

One of my favorite movies.

How about some Blackadder questions pertaining to the other three choices.

Ragini Singh
I love it's hindi dubbing, it's hilarious

Player #24058760
Player #4874807
are u serious. well...if not then see this one dude

Player #27337815
I watched this wonderful based animal movie and also a part of the book was given in my English Literature book of Class V, the chapter's name is " Stuart In The Drain". Stuart Little, this wonderful story book was written by the American Author Elwyn Brooks White.

MeltinJohn, You are projecting your insecurities.

Player #4874807
Never seen it