Whose former boyfriends include Liam Neeson, Kiefer Sutherland and Matthew Perry?
Correct answer: Julia Roberts

Not one of my favorite actresses for sure.. just some thing about her I find phony. Cannot help it. Hate it when she laughs. The only movie she did that I liked was Erin Brockovich but then again a lot other actresses could have done it better.

Tremain White
I've seen her in real life, and she was in the company of a professional musical other, dressed plainly and wearing little makeup. I developed the impression that a talented makeup artist, definitely has an important role to fulfill within the movie industry.

Canadagirl, I'm with you. Do a little research into how she treated her family, especially her sister.

Player #36572224
Notting Hill though

Player #2342698, shawshank

Player #2342698
she is just as a real actress. She approachabe, doesnt push her fans away . she is absolutely gorgeous. Pretty Woman will always be my most favoritie movie. Armeggedon is second!!