The Aswan Dam is a huge dam which contains the waters of which river?
Correct answer: Nile

Montana Lady
Player GayleP, The Aswan dam has nothing to do with greed. It reduces Egypts reliance on fossil fuels by providing power, helps mitigate the effects of drought (caused by climate change) on the ecosystem, and the dam also serves no political purpose since the Nile flows north.
So, there's also no country downstream on the Nile from Egypt, whose civilization has relied on the Nile River Delta for over 8000 years and protecting it is key to protecting the interests of their people as well as vital to their tourist industry. All of which would be in jeopardy along with their food supply without the dam... so it's a very difficult dam to argue against.

great info!

good info!

Player Elf Counsel
Widama007, And it was also incredible work. that raised the two temples at Abu Simbel to save them from the rising waters. I was lucky enough to visit the site in 2007. An incredible country.

( Snail Darter)
Nirvana girl Jade!, I also believe it flows from south to north....

what a genius who built this dam

Player. Ty
Didn't they have to relocate Huge Ancient Monuments before the building of the dam?👮

Player #20331115
Egypt Gift of Nile .Beautiful river, where Moses whom the Almighty loved the most was taken out.Heard that the cruise journey in the River is amazing. Wants to visit.

Player #120374466
Montana Lady, Dams has provided multiple benefits for modern society. Flood control, which saves peoples lives and property and a clean source of electricity.

Aswan was a give away if you know about Egypt 🇪🇬 and the Nile River.

Goblin, Britain needs to return the Elgin Marbles, and countless other artifacts to their country of origin.

KATY, what makes you say that? is it because when America bombs a country, American businesses make vast amounts of money from rebuilding the infrastructure. Am I wrong.

River Nile is the longest river in the world

Player. Ty, Yes and what an Amazing feat that was! 👏

If many of us, across the world, demand... we can force the British museum (amongst others) to return the Rosetta Stone to Egypt. Not to mention count less other priceless artifacts that were stolen.

at least i got something right

Player #11569385
mammy1027, m

The dam isn't good for the water though,the Nile is drying up dangerously.

Apparently in 1911 the Aswan dam needed to be patched up due to a fire that engulfed the top tower on the eastern side which knocked out the main transfer station for 8 months .

mammy1027, They didn't mention that it has armed guards

Ashant Of Downs Of M
Flood control and generation might be contingent as the first requires adequate impoundment level which could diminish generation when needed so operating curves must be established to have criteria
