Which of the following film titles is a 'Marx Brothers' film?
Correct answer: Duck Soup

Was astonished to learn, being neighbours, that Groucho was friends with Alice Cooper before he died. Seeing the photo of them together seemed anachronistic. It seemed equally bizarre to discover that Walt Disney was friends with Salvador Dali (also a friend of Harpo in particular) and that they worked together on the short film, Destino (finished after both their deaths)

GKOLGAF REVIVALIST, Very funny stuff! The Marx Bros still make me laugh

Tincantitan1, would have loved to have dinner with those neighbours Alice Cooper and Groucho Marx... wow what a party!

Still make me laugh. Groucho was my favourite.

I liked 'em all, but, Harpo's my favorite.

beebee, loved the Marx Bros, hate the Stooges, for the same reason I hate most clowns. Marx humor was not based on pain and humiliation.

Player mattster
PBAlice54, what became of Zeppo?

lily 21, don't be sorry, everyone has their own tastes.

Big fan of the Marx Brothers. their uncle Al Sheen was also an old time comic entertainer. He was their mom's Minnie's brother.

One of the greatest comedies ever made!

I always order duck if I see it on a restaurant menu.. canard en francais

Player. Ty
Where's Gummo?

Player #9011389
Birdiemom, yo mama