To whom was Jezebel of Sidon married?
Correct answer: King Ahab

Wtev... have y'all ever learned anything about science? What has faith ever, truly created? The plow, the printing press, steam engines, frozen food for your belly's???

millwallmarty, actually God refers to himself as "I AM" meaning He is the one and only Creator Eternal and everlasting God and there is none but He.

My Lord, she was a nasty, nasty woman! Bette Davis was nowhere as evil as her in her Oscar-winning performance in "Jezebel", but then again, Warners wanted their version of "Gone With the Wind" by pre-empting a story of a strong-willed Southern woman, so hence the title which is way over the top.

Player #2985898
Player #8926003, no it's not!

Ahab and Jezabel were perhaps the most evil couple mentioned in the Bible.

The English translation of Yahweh is Jehovah. That is the only true God's name.

I think they made a move on this...