Which famous couple, sailed away for a year and a day, to the land where the Bong-tree grows?
Correct answer: The Owl and the Pussycat

Laudy Miss Claudy
I've always loved that poem for some reason. And hand in hand on the edge of the sand they danced by the light of the moon...the moon. They danced by the light of the moon 🌙

reminds me of my lovely dad who used to almost sing it to me.... ❤️

Player #12645992
Player #3833664, Did anyone on this quiz know that he was a proficient artist and jotted down his poems between locations look for his work of Beachy Head.

Player #14338346
Player #9043571, it’s a pickle fork

Player #9043571, He used the word on more than one occasion in several pieces of writing. There are some theories as to its origins but no definite single source.

ImitationBatman, yeah. but things were different then. it wasn't what you think it is now.

Player #9043571
Laudy Miss Claudy, me too, I always wondered what a runcible spoon was

I guess at alot of these questions

Player #3833664
Wonder if he knew all his 20 siblings and wot caused his depression Memorable poem Held my imagination as a child cos took the lyrics literally