The flag of which country is in the picture?

Correct answer: Russia

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
Player #82905928
Player #82905928
This question a rip-off. Not current with modern day Russia!
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
BlueEyedAlien, The "person/people" in power are to blame, not the country itself. Plus, one could argue that they are not exactly the lowest of the low. Depending on ones perception & opinion.
This could have been a lot more challenging had the choices been countries with three-striped flags. Russia - lowest of the low amongst nations!
Player #5622725
Player #5622725
I thought Russia flag has a scicle and hammer on it ?
Wow I can't believe some people chose anything other than Russia. Like, how does that look like Great Britain's flag?