In World War II, what Native Americans were referred to as "Windtalkers"?
Correct answer: Navajo

Amazing and thanks to their we are...thank you veterans.

true American heros!!! a great story-thank u!

Benny wojo
movie windtalkers is about them

Met a Navajo guy whose uncle was one. He spoke some Navajo for me. Beautiful lyrical language

Player #9442102
EricHahnNo1, they sure confused the Japanese. Their code was never cracked.

Player #3996621
MAGISHA-USA, windtalkers doesn't have a damn thing to do with gambling casinos

Well I never knew that, you learn somethjng new every day! amazing!

There is a movie about this Called Windtalkers. Nicholas Cage stars in it unfortunately lol, but not too bad of a movie...

Player #39667306
The 1st code talkers were Cherokee in WW1, not WW11. The government did NOT recognize them until the 1980s, sad but typical. The Chickasaws weren't recognize either nor wereThe Choctaws for their code talking. Navajo saved lives is not disputed but they weren't the 1st. All tribes fought in all the wars because it was our country 1st & Natives are patriotic.

Player #21374632
Jew for Yeshua, yes it does. Duolingo is free too, i am learning German with Duolingo, it’s wonderful, check it out, please. in college i had to pay for a foreign language.Duolingo has a free with very few ads deal and class with no ads, for a free.well worth it too.

DEE, Thousands learn it. I did at University. And there are plenty of classes and online support.

M, I did not know that. thanx! always heard you had to be born speaking Welsh, you couldn't learn it. Terry Jones was Welsh, wasn't he?

mammy1027, yes 👍

may I point out that from (I think) 1941 the British RAF began using Welsh speakers as radio operators in Bomber Command to prevent German eavesdropping & interference.
A problem was the shortage of Welsh speakers due to centuries of the language being discouraged.

EsenMau, We owe those tribes a lot! And should do more for them...little has been done to compensate them.

Player #21374632, I am also learning German language with DUO lingo, free, Danke DUO,

Another example of history we are tired of schools being white washed as I never heard about this

Player #39667306, the first paragraph of the explanation credits the Choctaw and Cherokee for their codetalking in WWI.

scallywag, well said. I agree with you completely.

Wow! A certificate!! A piece of paper?

there's a great book about them, "Code Talkers" excellent.

Player Gigi #28446253
Player #21374632, I am learning French on Duolingo and am really enjoying it. A life long wish.

scallywag, my father's nickname for me was Scallywag or Scally.

Cha Cha
Player #21374632, my daughter uses it, she is learning Spanish at mo and previously Dutch

Player #26255543
codetalker, wikpedia says

DefensibleExercise1, I 24th thought that the movie was well done and I enjoyed it