In 1553, Lady Jane Grey was Queen of England for how many days?

Correct answer: Nine

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What people think about it: 11 Comments
This is one of the saddest stories ever.
777, no Mary the first known as Bloody Mary Henry theVIII.daughter with Catherine of Aragon . She is the reason that England would never allow another catholic queen as she brought the Spanish inquisition to England with her husband Philip of Spain. Mary Queen of Scots was Mary and Elizabeths cousin.
Player Fenian
Player Fenian
The entire British Monarchy is based in "Might is Right". I can never figure out what the nobility is in that. Murder, incest, gluttony.. The very fact that there is still such hatred of Catholics, to the point that it is within the British constitution, unbelievable!
Player #42285679
Player #42285679
Player Fenian, it's very easy to look back and judge others. Judging the past on morality of the present is the height of arrogance, and denies the reality that the morality of the present is built upon lessons learned in the past. Hopefully future generations will look more kindly upon us.
I read, “she spoke her last words: 'Lord, into thy hands I commend my spirit', the axe fell. Jane was just 17 years old.” Just horrific 😢
luckycatfay, The Spanish Inquisition was ordered by King Fernand and Queen Isabella of Spain.
What a tragedy!
toothless beachrat
toothless beachrat
My mom's maiden name is Jane Mary GrAy, but of a coincidence...
Liz, she was executed because she had a legitimate claim to the throne. Religion played a part in her tragedy but only a part.
sally Eko
sally Eko
How dare these people call others barbarians?
luckycatfay, watching Reign on Netflix about Mary Queen of scotts . This is a very interesting fact