Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp discovered a spatial phenomenon. What was it?
Correct answer: A comet

Lady V
I remember staring at this beauty of a comet every night with my parents. It's rare to see such a bright comet, lots of people go their entire lifetime without having that opportunity.

Montana Lady
I remember the cult who thought it was going to take them away...

Montana Lady, Heaven's Gate-UFO Religious Millenarian Cult...was based near San Diego, CA. It was founded in 1974 and led by Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles. On March 26, 1997, police discovered the bodies of 39 members of the group in a house in the suburb of Rancho Santa Fe; they apparently had participated in a mass suicide in order to reach what they believed was an extraterrestrial spacecraft that was following behind the Comet Hale-Bopp. Just before the suicide, the group's website was updated with the message: "Hale-Bopp brings closure to Heaven's Gate...Our 22 years of classroom here on planet Earth is finally coming to conclusion-'graduation' from the Human Evolutionary Level. We are happily prepared to leave this world and go with Ti's crew.".

I have seen it for many nights in Romania. I was 15. Good memories

Lady V, unfortunately we only have the ISS to follow these days. Which is good, but I just wish they'd wave back now and again😁🤣😂

I remember climbing to the top of Enchanted Rock TX in the middle of the night lying on my back and watching this amazing sight against a backdrop of stars and milkyway.

Player #8988878Xet
It was awesome!

Montana Lady, insanity at its best. 😐😑😐

Player #25234400
Wow!! I watched it through a telescope at the VA Air & Space Center with bunches of interested campers. City lights were a real bother. Wish we'd been atop a high dark mountain!

Becky ❤❤❤❤
that's the thing that I have studied for 8 year's how am I mistaken?!.

Awww a moment in life - was on a Sacred Intiation with Mayan Elder (119 others from around the world also) and sat outside Pyramids in Palenque, Mexico in 1997 and watched it easily with naked eye.
several years later, met Dr Hale at a talk he gave in The Blue Mts Australia. I asked him about ET Life and he said something like .... most scientists believe there is and Everyone of them want to Discover them first! 😉

Player #66817220
Chris_, a '50s-era dance that mimics the motion of icy precipitation.

Player #66817220
Wazzywoo, if you squint really hard, you can convince yourself they are.

The name Hale Bopp sounds like a dance style or a rock n roll song name

It was amazing to see!

constantgamer0421, only heard about this story now. they should make a docu or a movie about that cult.

Cha Cha
Recklen, sounds amazing