80% of Greece is located on which peninsula?
Correct answer: Balkan

Hungary is not located on any peninsula nor is a Balkan state. There are more and more incorrect information fractures in the answers. Please editors, check back on them properly!

Player #24358685
Soleil10001, if you draw a line from the top of the Adriatic to the northwestern point of the Black Sea (above the Bosporus and Dardanelles, not below, as the waters continue naturally), you will see that part of Hungary is indeed on the peninsula. Granted, that's a huge peninsula but, technically, correct. I agree that it is not a Balkan state--I have never even heard of Greece being counted as a "Balkan" state, even thought it is almost entirely on the peninsula. As a military analyst, the Balkan states wrre always referred to as those which comprised the former Yugoslavia. The others were a part of the Warsaw Pact and classified as such. Always a problem trying to harmonize geographical and political geography!

Player #24358685
nejsemzprahy, the Peloponnese is naturally a peninsula. The canal was completed in 1893. Of course, the Peloponnesian Peninsula is part of the Balkan Peninsula. But Greece has a bajillion islands.

Player #24358685
Player #9398981, they should have explained that. From my understanding, some geographers start the peninsula at the Italian border as a convenient location, whereas others measure from the "top" of the Adriatic. Either way, the line is drawn to the Black Sea.

I wouldn't say the rest are islands. There is still quite a big portion of these 20% that belongs to the Peloponnese peninsula. It is separated from land by a Corinth channel, but it still should ve considered as a peninsula...