How many teeth does an elephant have?
Correct answer: 26
Laudy Miss Claudy
ErsatzWizard46974, Stop poaches from killing them for their tusks and selling them to China.
awwwe that is sad. need to help them be able to eat and live longer.
I love elephants, both Indian and African. Indian elephants have a very gentle nature (even in the wild), while the African ones are a tad aggressive, even after being "raised" by humans in zoos. Still, I think they are amazing and stunning creatures! I've ridden on an African elephant, and
walked with and
massaged an Indian elephant.
Player #3138816
I so want some of those replaceable teeth , it would be so much easier as you get older!!!!
Don't mess with nature. Elephants live as long as they live.
Player #62752956
Fun guy, China is by far the largest importer of ivory. If it’s a fact, then it’s not bias.
meldawg, that elephant you rode on was tortured and beaten into submission. They are wild animals, don’t be proud to have ridden one please.
Player #45839107
Fun guy, if the shoe fits
ErsatzWizard46974, I'd love to see an elephant with false teeth, hahaha!
Lol, if we had teeth like that, we wouldn't have to go to the dentist!
I didn't know that! But I did guess the correct number.