What desert surrounds Las Vegas?
Correct answer: The Mojave Desert

I lived 10 years in the Chihuahuan Desert in the Big Bend Region of Texas and been to the Mojave Desert many times and it is amazing at the flowers that bloom after the rainy season. The whole place smells so good after a rain storm and it is amazing the diverse life that survives in such a harsh landscape. Although I thought I'd ask how many got to drive on top of the dam before they made the new bridge for it?

LoopyLynda74, drive on top of the dam? I did every Wednesday for 2 years! delivered frozen foods, produce and dry goods to the Peach Springs AZ post office on Route 66 to be prepared for horse and mule transport to the Hualapai Indian Reservation at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. One of few if not the only post office that has a walk in refrigerator/freezer in the US! Best job I ever had!

Zell. I am a female
they just told me that I've answered 500 questions right. I'm so proud of myself 😋😋😋😊😊😊

KookyOrangutan5005, Please dont call yourself dumb. You may not know all the answers but neither do we! Your learning while you play just like we do!

probably a lot of dead gangsters in that desert too.

Victoria Vest
Hot hot and hot

DiabolicalJoker25653, not the only place but it is the lowest point below sea level

LoopyLynda74, I believe that 911 had a lot to do with the bridge being built. It may have been designed before but I've been inside the dam, on top of the dam and in the Colorado River looking up at it. Never been over the bridge though.

went there once,114 Degrees in the shade,blah,was hard to breath

I live in the Sonoran desert and even though it is such a harsh climate, there is very diverse plant life including the saguaro (pronounced su-wa-ro) cactus

Toots, You're learning would be the correct word.

strangiato65, very cool!

JimmyLovesQL, sometimes it's a keystroke gone wrong, sometimes just an error, try to look over them, English teachers welcome but lessons best left in a classroom not where we're all just trying to have a little fun but please thanks for additional article of speech review.

USAMcK, we get really good petrichor in Texas.

I've lived in various parts of the Mojave desert for over 45 yrs. The desert has its own unique beauty.

strangiato65, I would love to deliver their mail there . . . By donkey! (or mule?)

Well I’m from Arizona so should know bc that desert extends to Arizona but I almost picked the Sonoran desert 🏜️🌵

LoopyLynda74, I don't know when the bridge you're talking about was built but whe I was there inthe early 90s I drove over the dam.

Cape Cod and a southeaster New England

An I wander if there are some bones baryed out there. Hmm.... 🤔

Betsey Shirley
MALICE, it may be hard to breathe but NO humidity. Come to Alabama for 100% humidity, and sweat like your body is on fire in 90 degrees. Talk about hard to breathe? I’ll take Nevada or Arizona any day. Just sayin…

I lived in Mojave Desert years ago. Twentynine Palms was town I lived in. I loved it. Hot and beautiful

Player #38012214
How come there is no mention of Victorville being one of the worst cities in California?

Player #33758271
I been to the mojave dessert it is very hot

LoopyLynda74, you should read the book"Desert Solitaire" talks about the same rainy transformation the desert goes thru after the rain. enjoy,peace

Rickster, nice bear!

Player #29306140
I like the high desert Idaho Utah ect my relatives all live in and around lake havasu Joshua tree Victorville. It’s not anything I like.

I only know this because of Fallout New Vegas

LoopyLynda74, - Too many times to count. I was raised in Boulder City, Nevada, 7 miles from Hoover Dam!

Am I the only one who knew this because of the Fallout New Vegas video game

Zell. I am a female , wtg

Player. Ty
Still glows at night

Zell. I am a female , yummy

Thank you Fallout New Vegas

Player #11088619
got r

I lived in Lancaster, California is for 12 years. I seen lots of places in Mojave. Lockheed is located in Palmdale, CA which is neighboring town to Lancaster.

Player #12678219
LoopyLynda74, I grew up in Boulder City, NV. My father worked for LAW&P at Hoover Dam. Been over and across the dam too many times to count. Saw Lake Mead so full of water, that it was flowing over the extended levees and into the spillways.

Player #9914179
Zell. I am a female , you must live in Australia. ifnot you should move there, ihear they need geniuses there.

Player #9914179
LoopyLynda74, do they have brothels there? gonna visit in 2 weeks, can't wait.