What is the name of the world's oldest commissioned naval vessel afloat?
Correct answer: USS Constitution

The original USS Enterprise in Star Trek was a Constitution Class starship. They used names from real ships.

I think HMS Victory is the oldest still in Commission.

DM Doms
HMS Victory is the worlds oldest commissioned warship launched in 1765. It is in Portsmouth dockyard in Hampshire England. whenever another warship leaves harbour it salutes Victory.

Lady V
It is incorrect, it's the oldest WARship yes, but oldest vessel would be the HMS Victory

HMS Victory is the oldest warship still commisioned, however it is in a dry dock and not afloat which is what the question asked. I worked on it as an electrical fitter. There's a plaque on the deck stating: "Admiral Nelson fell here." I'm not surprised, I fell over it myself! 😏

Player #25874027
Lady V,
As HMS Victory is the Flagship of Admiral Nelson and the platform for the victory at Trafalgar, which was probably the most decisive naval action ever , why do you think it is not a WAR ship.
Note : Nelson and his sailors destroyed the French Fleet without losing a single ship.

DM Doms, Victory is in a dry dock, so not afloat

Key word is afloat.

Lady V, I thought victory, but isn't she in a dry dock and therefore wouldn't be classed as "afloat"?

cocopop219, Nope, the HMS Victory is, but it isn't afloat.

words matter, this is trivia. I'm guilty of misreading and getting the answer wrong or rushing my answer before reading the question and getting the answer wrong

Last I knew, it was docked in Boston, not Baltimore.

cocopop219, however, it cannot sail on the high seas.

Her nickname is “Old Ironsides”

Katy Jo
KevT42, Nice point! Thanks!

Tur D'ferguson
Player #31783476, because 'Merica, that's why.

Player #31783476, Probably because the creators of the game are in the US.

Player #31783476
Another wrong answer! Why does “the world” in here just seem to be the US?

cocopop219, But not afloat

Player #27428527zeus
Very wrong. The HMS Victory, still in commission at Portsmouth Dock. UK.

Guillermo Jr.
already knew this.. thanks Quizzland!

Player #18086811, she is not afloat

Randy M., she is not afloat!

Player #25874027, pretty sure that was the Spanish Fleet jackson

Lady V, the oldest vessel is a 10,000 year old canoe in a Dutch Museum.

DM Doms, but it is not afloat like the Constitution is.

Nope, the Lady Rose is the oldest Warship.

Randy M.
HMS Victory is the world's oldest.

Player #18595150
I recall bording her in the Boston Harbor where I thought she still sit's. Silly me

Player Elf Council
QuackingPisces81250, It's afloat in Portsmouth Harbour.

mick dundee
DM Doms, that makes that ship older than white Australia

* Seshati *
Hey good job peeps I wouldn’t know correct answer got it wrong lol, apparently wrong questions can be corrected but I can be bothered anyone else up for challenge just tap the triangle icon button on right

Player #18086811
incorrect as HMS Victory is older and still in commission

Cartoon Dog
Old Ironsides. .

Ben dover
I always thought it was the HMS victory.

Player ausyann
mms victory please