In World War II, what name was given to a Japanese Pilot who crashed deliberately onto its target?
Correct answer: Kamikaze

so really they was suicide bombers with better transport.

This is slightly incorrect as the Japanese named select pilots to be kamekaze pilots. They were given modified zero fighter planes that would have a sort of "bomb chamber" in it for when they'd fly into enemy ships, they were also not given enough fuel to return home.

'crash' rather than 'crush'

Kamikaze, literally translated means 'divine wind'.

Ms. Fitt 1938504, no need to get all nippy/catty just a GAME people!! We don’t need more negativity type comments out there.. hence why I don’t have Twitter, Facebook etc people get nasty

The word Kamikaze actually means 'divine wind', it comes from when the Mongol empire was set to invade Japan but it's naval fleet was destroyed by a great storm & the invasion never happened.

JessicaViktoria, yes that is true that pilots were given the name kamikaze pilots but it every single one of them because the generals words to the men were that it would be better to LITERALLY commit suicide than be captured. That was how they gave honor to their country. they would rather give honor and die than be captured. so that it why they were given those names.

love it
what ever. my dad shot down one of the Japanese planes before it hit the ship he was on.

There was an Irish kamikaze pilot who had 5 successful missions...

Kamikaze was not the blitz, the blitz was the German word for the quick and devastating bombing of Britain, blitzkrieg.

tonyl, that was my great uncle Mickey
most people are nicknamed kamikaze

Ya well as memory serves.... They certainly didn't do that at Pearl Harbor!? To honor your God is one thing but it was the sacrifice that was needed to carry out the mission & take as many casualties possible to save fuel also as "Jessica" mentioned!

Terraman58, Is this from Nichiren’s prayers?

Quite sad, to sacrifice your own life for a war. I'd fight to save mine. All people, different nationalities, have different beliefs.

JessicaViktoria, and it is sad they lost so many brave young men. My father and uncles were on the ships they targeted. No one wins in a war.

These questions are very easy, and I'm playing on the hard level. They are questions for high school kids.

The Nazis nearly had something similar with their Leonidas squadron. The aircraft was a modified V1, the idea being that the pilot would bale-out once he lined up the aircraft on its target. in reality, this would be highly unlikely, and any mission would be one way. Luckily, sainer minds prevailed.

Many times an invading country brain washes their soldiers, sailors, etc about the horrors they will endure if captured by the enemy. That may be one reason fighters choose to die instead of becoming a prisoner.
I don't know if this is the case with the kamikaze pilots.
Also it was considered a great honor to die for your country and the emperor.

playing this game really teachs me a lot, I feel like I can participate in who wants to be a millionaire challenge 😋

I don’t know how people could choose to do this to others (and yourself), war is just so hard for me to understand.

Are their souls will be at Heaven or Inferno?

Daktor, blitzkrieg means lightning war and applied to the rapid invasion of a country with overwhelming force e.g. Germany's invasion of France in WWII. I don't think it applies to the bombing of the UK, which was known simply as "The Blitz", or Lightning. Obviously, the Germans never invaded Britain, so the Blitzkrieg never happened there. Obviously the Blitz was part of the war, so it's a fine distinction, but I'm not aware of blitzkrieg ever being used in the context of the bombing of the UK.

Kamikaze pilots first appeared at the Battle of Leyte Gulf in Oct. 1944. It was an act of desperation late in the war. The youngest Kamikaze was 16 years old.


great to know 👍🏾

in Philippines we have a band named Kamikaze 😊

Player #120069914
They are kamikaze for their life is with their missions .a suicidal attack to defeat enemies.

'car' rather than 'bar'

dannypercival, - they were ……

JessicaViktoria, 😳

kaze the csgo player

This is f_cked up

R+T#1/2 o+b#45/46, really? Landing gear would fall off the plane? Hadn’t heard that before, ,make sense tho,

aylabootsie, 👍

why did they wear helmets.

JessicaViktoria, Terrible really … how very sad 😞

Ahmed, Yeah, would be interesting right?

Player #21374632, Me too... it's a waste of time.

aylabootsie, I will never have any of those total waste of time.