In what activity would you use a leavening agent?
Correct answer: Baking
Mardell Riley
got it wrong knew the it was a common sense one too . the catch is Ive made a living at a baker for yrs ....😏
Chemistry at work.
Love to bake but hate a sunken cake!
they missed the greatest egg white baked item, pavlova
We call these raising agents in the UK
penawareof, you should Google some tricks for that. I know I've seen some in all my food network watching, but of course I can't remember them now... I have always been more of a chef than a Baker, but I found an amazing chocolate cake recipe with vinegar in it on the genius kitchen site. it was shockingly moist and delicious!
adams101313, If the cake also contained baking soda or baking powder, along with the vinagar, you have carbon dioxide happening which would result in a lighter, fluffier cake
got this one cuz i recently started baking breads
or to cut cocaine
especially for bread
Uninitialized, rising not raising
Aaron and I are going to be out to dinner tonight so we will be able to make it to the meeting and will let him do the work and then we can discuss the details of
Player #41005410
I wrongly point to the answer
Guillermo Jr.
for us older gents.. there is another activity where a little blue leavening agent is also employed at times..
are divorce attorneys "leaving agents"?
Player KM1959
badger boy, It's not Leveling, they're talking about Leavening
badger boy
leveling agents are also used in building l.e screed
Player #15356356
for sifting mainly flour.
Player #11588579
Angel food sounds good, think I’ve been missing out!
I'm playing a game...and I'm learning. Thank you, Buddy.
Apparently, it's also used in the making of the Bismark Trifle.
This question appeared on the Chase!
Oh Martha Stewart!
Ken Jennings
Player #177108, WHY?