Who formulated the law of universal gravitation?

Correct answer: Isaac Newton

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What people think about it: 37 Comments
Absolutetruthin1777, I hate to burst your bubble, but Newton never married and being a dedicated Christian (no sex outside of marriage), he died a virgin. Historical fact. (Perhaps you are related in another way, but Newton left no direct lineage.)
Player #10628065
Player #10628065
I'm stunned at his intelligence, but mostly impressed that his devotion to study and work left us with the legacy of knowledge he left us.
SlenderInstance49612, You can’t be a absolutely true he was a virgin, just because he reported it! Just saying.
It's quite wow that a person gave universally accepted way in which gravity works... splendid
Dianna Bella74
Dianna Bella74
Randall Stone, Maybe he was trying to actually work it out. As I have read parts of the Bible and it does have scripture to back up science. I guess the Bible is not just about how to live morally to actually benefit ones self and others. It's has heaps of cool stories about how normal everyday people survived an over come seriously nasty situations. By faith alone they survived. So that in itself would highly interest a man like Newton, the how,the who,the what,the why and the where of it all would have thoroughly interested a genius such as he. Maybe that's why he was a virgin till death as the Bible says fornacator will not in herit God kingdom.
Absolutetruthin1777, maybe you mean Fig Newton
my daughter said she learned this in class and was excited to post this comment on her behalf
according to information he was a miserable horrid man who was widely disliked. his principa mathematica laid the basis for many physics formulae and has been lauded as the most important scientific paper in history.
Redeemed 2001
Redeemed 2001
Regardless no one really understands how gravity works or where it comes from. I call it "God's Glue". it's how everything fits together and doesn't go flying off in every direction.
Player #27821860
Player #27821860
I would say sir Newton was in the top 10 minds of ALL time.
little b
little b
I'm not good at science
A salesman tried to convince me that (my town) had repealed one of the laws of physics. Water no longer seeks its own level here! LOL
Dianna Bella74, Einstein also could not deny the possibility of a higher power. He realized it was impossible for him to prove otherwise. Many the non believers hold onto that shred of hope of heaven. They are saved on there deathbed giving them consideration of heaven. Worst possible decision for an atheist is to deny God at the end.
When Issac was born, the midwife didn't think he'd live through the night because his head was large but his neck was slender. I'm glad he made it, but that was God's plan anyway. Did you know that a German man also invented calculus at the same time? This new mathematics was "inspired" (which means in breathed) by the Universal Intelligence in two places at the same time. Newton needed calculus to help him understand the motions of the planets. Can you imagine pondering gravity? Could you help me understand it, please?
SlenderInstance49612, wow..waste of good genes hey
Player #45950998
Player #45950998
gamehappy0728, you are probably right
uma👩‍👧 devi
uma👩‍👧 devi
Saad, yr aj msg
Player #38310763, Oh groan!
sorry for not responding to you earlier I had to get a job in my life
I am absolutely jealous of his hair! 😫
Player #43499070
Player #43499070
Julia Barton Whittle, What do you mean, What about Mary? Didn't understand what Mary has to do with Dianna's Bella 74 comment.
Greek lily 79, That's amazing. Keep learning!
Sully Girl
Sully Girl
Zahin, Best question yet! I also would like to read these comments but apparently they have been deleted or sensored hmmmm
Who is absolutetruthin1777 and what did he/she say and why can't I find his/her comment?
Fun guy
Fun guy
between gravity, making fig snacks & shows with his brother Wayne; must have been busy ! 😉
he makes great fig snacks too!!
Player #13023389
Player #13023389
I knew the answer right off. Debby
Player LoopyLee616
Player LoopyLee616
Henry Rollins is a modern day Newton, never married or bore children.....but a brilliant mind as a poet and author
I still believe someday the answer will have nothing common with the picture.
Player #21487772
Player #21487772
Also he was a bare knuckle boxer
his concepts are the most easy one in physics for me😄
I'm so sorry, sir
Player Me
Player Me
we will never know. player #19091285,
He was a great scientist.
Renjer Hitam
Renjer Hitam
Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz found the Calculus in 17th
Player #15915594
Player #15915594
YawningBoss97097, isn't earth flat?
Player #15915594
Player #15915594
SlenderInstance49612, doesn't know what he missed