According to UNICEF (December 2013), approximately how many babies are born in the world each day?
Correct answer: 353,000

all very well and good but we have made advances in medicine to keep children alive once they're born. But isn't it about time we started making less people.

Lou Lou
Kind of a dated and subjective question. Numbers vary greatly depending on the source. Not sure UNICEF is completely accurate.

Republic of China
There are severe consequences for a country's economy if there are lesser people
For example (but this is true too), Japan's population is aging, meaning that more elderly people and lesser young people. That's called demographics, meaning statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it simply. How will it support its economy? More young people!
If China has lesser population, it will not be a major manufacturing hub for the world. Also, it would not be top producer of stuff and also it would be difficult to sustain jobs which needed to produce things like semiconductors, fruits, clothes
China is a source for cheap labour and also most of your stuff will says "Made in China". Do not be happy if China really collapses. China, Japan, Russia and South Korea are facing population collapse and cannot sustain economy and keeps things afloat for us

'better' not 'bigger'