During their 1969 Hyde Park gig, The Rolling Stones released thousands of which insect?
Correct answer: Butterflies

WASPS!!!! Now that would have been horrible!

I bet all the farmers in the area were real happy about all those cabbage butterflies being released.

Mon0xide, I agree. Saw Floyd, led Zeppelin, Genesis, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Queen etc. What a truly amazing era the early 70s were for music! Feel so lucky

If i had a time machine, this is the concert u would go to

Tay38 42, i would go to Woodstock

flowercat0523, not many farms near Hyde Park. It's central London

What an image releasing thousands of wasps would be...

I doubt they would have released wasps😂

Mon0xide, I've seen them live twice in a football stadium, Foxboro, and thought it was awesome!

Player #19927968
I was there, king Crimson were the act of the day for me

Fantasia48, their might not be many farms but theres still allotments plotted around

If I remember correctly most of the butterflies were dead before they were released.

Player #40583148
flowercat0523, not many farms in central London. X😊

Player #32549118
Not only was it one of their worst performances but future crops were destroyed - jokes

Player #25874027
You may not be British!
Hyde Park is in Central London , even then you would probably have been 10 miles from the nearest farm

bet they where miffed as I am a gardener and they are bloody nusiances

imagine if it was Wasps

Brian Jones RIP xxx

Player #21944816
probably would have been a sight releasing all those butterflies

Player #19927968
stevmk2 , I was there as well, loved the King Crimson set

Player #18190419
Can you imagine the carnage if they'd released wasps!

Tannar33, horrendous,cuz I’ve been stung by a wasp before...my lord did it hurt. U know the wasp was in my room then it got into my jumper sleeve then later that day I was off to do the horses and it jabbed my arm as I put the jumper on. It was an excruciating pain

I picked butterflies because all other options sounded horrific. Ladybirds may pretty, but I don't think having them crawling all over the place sounds particularly pleasant.

No farms within 20 miles. center of London

flowercat0523, It was at Hyde Park, Central London! I was there,along with thousands of others the day before. It was worth it despite the guitars being out of tune and the timing a bit out too!

( Snail Darter)
Player SQinfoNUTS, I agree...I’d have been a little chapped at the lack of courtesy to their fans.

( Snail Darter)
Miss Pringle, Way too much wear-and-tear on the Mick.....I’d pick a grandpa that aged gracefully.

Tay38 42, Me too.Came close but ride backed out at the last minute! Would have planned better if I could go back!

I remember when Brian Jones died on 3rd July 1969 from drowning in a swimming pool in LA. Apparently his favourite instrument was the slide Sitar which former Beatles star George Harrison gave him after he came back from Ceylon in 1966.

Mama Crow
Can you imagine Mick Jagger being your grandpa? The ultimate bragging right! :D

Player SQinfoNUTS, Of course, they would rehearse, but playing live for the first time in two years is a different experience than rehearsing.

Player SQinfoNUTS
so the Rolling Stones did not play together for 2 years and they did not have the courtesy at least to rehearse before this??

flowercat0523, it's a very large city there are no farmers anywhere the park

Player GayleP, I think it's probably a tunic.

Player #3166017
the question says thousands but when you rwad the answer it saya hundreds

wild horses..

I really ENJOYED 6 of their Shows!
NYC/ Miami /New Jersey/ Colombia, MO ~ 1978 thru 94
"The World's Greatest Rock n' Roll Band". ☝😎

LaughingParakeet52, me too!!!! actually, i was in diapers at the time...