Traditionally, on the feast day of St. Agnes, the pope blesses a pair of what animals?
Correct answer: Lambs

Player #3703722
Wait, what? Sacrificed?

Ms. Kitty
I thought we quit sacrificing animals and people to the gods. VERY barbaric.

Ruby #8801796
That was a lovely story til they get sacrificed on Good Friday

Player #7160768
Nice story, shame about the punchline😁

Player #11180611
kritikalmass1973, on my phone I only see the head and shoulders if St Agnes ... maybe the same for others also.

they must have changed the picture then,as there is no lamb in the pic to the question I just answered....correctly,may I add!!

There's no lamb in that picture and when you say pair, doves so come to mind.

Player #11107660
who wouldn't want to bless a lamb? So cute.

Player #3703722, Poor little lambs 😭

Player GayleP, All man made traditions. Started about 300 yrs after Jesus gave us the truth. Roman Emperors and Popes invented them to increase their numbers and attempt at conquest. Starting with changing of the Sabbath, and followed by Christmas and Easter. All man invented and contrary to what Jesus said.

Unless all the ppl shocked by 'sacrifice' are vegetarian...why the outcry? I know it sounds barbaric but our plastic wrapped supermarket lamb chops live and die in far more cruel and crude ways. js

good Friday. not for the lambs.

Ms. Kitty, They sacrificed lambs and ate them. If we eat turkey on Christmas, is that so different?

Mars V
redshoes, Watch the ten part series, Catholicism! It will give you goosebumps!

Mars V
redshoes, If you’re going to Catholic bash, at least respect the fact that the word is a proper noun.

Highlander, that's because it's a picture of St. Agnes.

agnus and angus can be quite confusing

How do they get the lambs to lay down in the baskets for the procession, blessing etc? They don't lay down for that long unless their legs are bound in some way...

Player Elf Council
Uninitialized, Me too on my I pad.

the answer is in her name.. if you have a little Catholic Mass Latin..

Player #25874027
BuggerBalls666, The game gives help to those it thinks need it .
Most players don’t get a picture of the lamb, but get one of St Agnes instead .
Don’t be too quick to shout about getting clues. There is a message there

kritikalmass1973, where is picture of lamb

Player Elf Counsel
Highlander, Same here. But I knew Agnus was Latin for Lamb.

Player #3532789
Credo ergo sum., I can't see any lambs!

not really knowlegdeable of Catholic tradition, I am Presbyterian.

The photo shows a lamb! 🤣

the photo shows a lamb

i like how the answer's in the picture...

cant beleve so many said dove when there is litteraly a picture or a lamb lol