What is the most mountainous country in Europe?
Correct answer: Switzerland

The Alps remind me of the Shirley Temple movie "Heidi".

Any one who has seen The Sound of Music knows how beautiful the Alps are.

Switzerland has very well developed railway infrastructure. And people use it quite often.

Hope to go there someday. Half my genes are from the Dolomites, but Switzerland is so beautiful!

Player #8164039
Love the movie Heidi

Player #31034244
Thanks for the picture with the Matterhorn shown

Kevin McCormack, I watched 'The Sound of Music'. I visited the place where Maria and the children went cycling, the gazebo where Liesl dance with her boyfriend, the cathedral where Maria and von Trapp married. All is in Salzburg, Austria.

Mei Ling , My Nans favourite film!

Mei Ling
Duneboy, I have seen that movie!

muskan arfan
i saw this picture in an animated movie
i don't remember the name
but the movie wass so interesting

Duneboy, The Sound of Music was all filmed in Saltzburg,Austria I visited that place twice

Player #41385943
Player #31034244, Yes and is it
pretty amazing to see .Especially when you've never seen anything like it coming from Ireland.

Player SeaCay
By most high peaks or by number of individual mountains?

Kanchan yadav
Nice question. I like this type of question which help me in my daily studies

Kevin McCormack
I watched The movie ," The Sound of Music", it was filmed in Switzerland

I read it in my 7th std Geography book. it is the photo of Mt Alps

More than Norway?

I knew the answer, but this picture made me press Sweeden :/

All those countries? Uh, no. The mountains of Sweden are definitely not the Alps (and are much lower). As for Belgium, you definitely won't find mountains there.