'Where is Everybody?' was the first episode of which cult TV show?
Correct answer: The Twilight Zone

"There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone." Rod Serling

Sheer excellence in television!

I have all the episodes on VHS...lol

Player #598872
l have been watching twilight zone forever and never tire of it!l remember that episode.

Great show. Does anyone remember the tv show, One Step Beyond??

"Living Doll"

Phiend99, I loved Night Gallery!

I believe the man in this episode was a astronaut and was in a test to see how long he could go without human interaction.

Rod was awesome. Lots of Twilight Zone episodes on various stations at various times, but Rod's other well known series isn't. Night Gallery of course!

I watched an interview with Rod Serling. The man was a Genius! You can find it on YouTube. Highly recommend it.

Nikkol, that was so cruel.

Player #10543195, It's a cookbook!!!

Koolmum1957, nope...that was a separate episode

Miss Sue
Koolmum1957, No, that was a different character and different episode. I think.


I love the twilight zone. it's therapeutic for me to watch

Koolmum1957, I was thinking the same thing, but then I remembered the protagonist in that episode wasn’t an astronaut. The character in that episode was Burgess Meredith, who went on to play The Penguin in the 1960s Batman TV series, and then Mick, Rocky Balboa’s trainer. That one is my favorite episode.

Koolmum1957, An amazing story.

damnpaterfamilias, Thank you for sharing that opening with us. Do you have it committed to memory?
Amazing programming, it was!

Koolmum1957, that was Burgess Meredith who played him.

Koolmum1957, That is "Time Enough at Last" with Burgess Meredith. Another amazing episode.

Mars V
Serling took Planet of the Apes, an OK French novel, and basically shaped it into a big screen two hour Twilight Zone, one of the greatest sci-fi movies of all time.

I agree with to serve man episode it's a cookbook

Wannabe Vulcan
Koolmum1957, that was "Time Enough at Last", with Burgess Meredith. One of my favorites!

Player #65489386
Player #24358685, this is not about Rush. It's about Twilight Zone.

Player #48415090
Supergirl, I watched Rush play that song live at Charlotte Park Center 1979.

Player #48415090
Earl holliman was the actor in the first Twilight Zone episode.

The "Howling" And "To Serve Man"...are my favorites ...Before it's Time And Well Written...Rod Serling was an Over seer!!!

Player #24358685, Neil Peart has been called one of the greatest, if not THE greatest for quite some time. I don't think it's any kind of modern phenomenon associated with his passing. He was widely recognized during his lifetime as such.

Player #38618593
Remember the episode where an old woman is stalked for hours by a tiny space ship that has somehow gotten into her house? In terror, she beats it with a broom and as it lies broken we hear it radio back to earth: "There are giants here!"

Player #50256099
my favorite episode was the seventh is made up of phantoms

damnpaterfamilias, 👍

Player #21068
I was 8 and remember running home from playing so I wouldn’t miss an episode. That and The Outer Limits were responsible for my love of science fiction.

Player #41422311
I really should actually watch the show. Interesting that individuals such as myself, that have been a born a dash after that era still have some sort of sense as to what the in the "Twilight Zone" means. As a matter of fact, I've been getting to feel like that quite often these days. haha!

Alan M
There is a Man on the wing!!

That ape man on the plane wing gave me nightmares!

My favorite episode is "Two" with Charles Bronson and Elizabeth Montgomery ❤

that show terrified me when I was a kid! can't believe my mother let me watch it

Player #29152846
Koolmum1957, with Burgess Meredith

Player #37098746
Great writers and stories back then until 80s then down hill for movies.