The Basilica in the Vatican City is dedicated to which saint?

Correct answer: St Peter

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What people think about it: 19 Comments
a place of great beauty.
I'm not Catholic or even Christian but I'd love to see it.
:(Nancy E):
:(Nancy E):
Was raised Catholic. Took a tour of Italy with my Mom and two sisters. It is a stunning country, lots of history. Thoroughly enjoyed Rome and the Vatican. Along with all the other parts.
Truly amazing, but I couldn't help thinking about where all the money came from to pay for everything at the Vatican.
dini cee
dini cee
I've been there
Heartland Old Guy
Heartland Old Guy
FaithfulReader, you kidding? Where does the Catholic Church's come from? 1.25 billion faithful members.
Player #8043966
Player #8043966
Breathtakingly beautiful!!
Player #16973323
Player #16973323
I have 129 tile flips because I have never found a good reason to use them. On a different note, I would like to go to Vatican City someday.
was there last summer It was so beautiful.
I'd live to see it
RushMama2112, hey mama, love ur cool comments, religions are hard to follow, just be honest , caring, nice n cool, that's my golden rule :)
Heartland Old Guy, sorry old guy, you may be too old not to know the answer of your own question.🤣😂😂
Prometheus, we took the 400 steps to the top.
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
FaithfulReader, They’ve had 2000 years of bribes from the faithful to ensure they get into heaven . Not all of that has been spent on wine,women and song. Or art .
Player #22062317
Player #22062317
Peter in Acts 2:38.Repent and be baptised every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.and he shall receive the Holy Ghost .
Probably the best place in Rome! ❤️
Player #3532789
Player #3532789
Prometheus, Beauty yes! Religious no! I was not impressed with the talking, picture taking, and general feeling of being at a circus when I visited it. The only time I felt that I was somewhere special was when the guard let me into a side alter behind a heavy curtain where people actually prayed!!!
FaithfulReader, where did the money come from?? It was a form of fundraising using involuntary participants.
Player #3772077
Player #3772077
DiabolicalJoker25653, You have free will, as do we Catholics. Catholicism is rooted in one thing ... the Holy Eucharist. I choose to believe.