What is the character Khan's full name from the Star Trek franchise?
Correct answer: Khan Noonien Singh

Player #1195338
Khan was played by Ricardo Mantelban, who also was on the t. v. show Fantasy Island.

Wrath of Khan is the best of all the Star Trek films.

Great actor love him in all his movies

Player #1195338, the plane boss, the plane ✈️ haha loved that show.

Mama Taz
Player #1195338, I believe the actor's name is Ricardo MONTALBAN ... 🙂

Singh isn't that the name of the doctor in Star Trek, who created Data??

Concorde SST
KHAAAANNN!!!! I always have a chuckle at Kirk's distorted face in that great scene. Classic.

The scene where Chekhov has the wee beastie inserted into his ear in Wrath of Khan still makes my toes curl!

Mars V
Tracey , When they created Dr. Noonian Soong, they had forgotten that they already had Khan Noonian Siing.

Mars V
Go! Or stay, but do it because it is what you wish…to do!

loco, 🤣

LaContessa, I agree 👍

Player #3138816
baymax, you are so right my friend!

Player #1195338, try and look up some of his earlier movies. he was very talented and quite the dancer