What was the first MLB team to use the designated hitter in a game?
Correct answer: New York Yankees

Good information.Idid,nt know this.Always love to learn new things.Thank you.

I believe that there should be a new modified rule so when it is enacted both leagues are going to be impacted similarly.

Player #26959353
that was fun! I got this one right because I know him. He was one of my customers at the pharmacy I used to work in. Nice man :-)

Player #20175440
I think the DH should be allowed. it makes sense for the pitcher to not have the jarring effect of the hit when his job requires the use of his arm so much. Also, his running skills become less of an issue.

Rules are rules; everybody should be at bat an no back ups unless you break a leg. I played softball since elementary an we had no switching goin on, so, stick to the rules an let's play ball! 😀

Update needed - National League adopted DH in 2022 - it is now the norm in both the AL and NL.

Player #26959353, that is cool

Rackem777, I didn't know either got it wrong.

Having a designated hitter is an advantage. Both leagues should have this in my opinion, or neither.

Miraculous KDAWOLF
I’m only a preteen, and I strongly dislike watching sports. How am I supposed to know this?!?! I love learning new things… but it does anger me sometimes when I don’t get the questions correct. No offense to the people out there who like to watch sports. We don’t all like the same things. lol

I don't watch MLB nor NFL nor NBA

Austin Way
I'm 8 that was the easiest q ever

I know nothing about sports and yet still got this question right 😄 #lovetolearn

For real I don't like them but I like the others

I'm a nuu yawker, I love the jankees

Guillermo Jr.
a fun position for casual fans.. but removes a lot of intriguing strategy from the game..

Player #33305436
How are you gonna have a record based on a non official A.B. ?

JIA RAVENCLAW wit wisdom
I didn't know this before. I enjoy learning something new, thanks towards whoever coded and made this game.

Big ups 2 Jim Rice, Reggie Jackson, Eddie Murray, Jose "Tha Father of Steroids" Conseco, Paul Molitor, Edgar Martinez, Juan Gonzales & any othaz I missd....✌🏽😁❤

Anibear315, Me too!

Edgar Martinez...my favorite DH, and one of my favorite Mariners!

Rackem777, same here sort of

I don’t watch baseball so what kind of question is that?

dump the DH. the Yanks played the Orioles that day. Terry Crowley was the Os DH.

JR. Gee
that's my team bombers

Player #6723658
Nirvana girl Jade!, Try punctuation. Your point may be understood.

Of course it's the Yankees!!!

SubstantialFidelity9, agree!

Rackem777, me neither, and this question was supposed to be EASY. easy for who?

Totally a fan of Edgar Martinez!

David7590, j

C'mon get real. Every player who takes the field in an inning should have to take his turn batting in the next inning. It's only fair & right. You can argue against that all you want, but you're wrong.