What US holiday is celebrated on October 12th?

Correct answer: Columbus Day

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What people think about it: 33 Comments
Player #3113010 Alex
Player #3113010 Alex
Here in Seattle we celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day.
Nashville Bound
Nashville Bound
Wendell Thomas, amen that is the truth! We should celebrate the native American people
As part of Choctaw Nation I do not support or celebrate Columbus Day. It is literally a holiday celebrating the beginning of the end of Indigenous People, our land, culture, and freedoms.
Player #1437594
Player #1437594
Here in Seattle we celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day
Player #24269550
Player #24269550
So tired of the wanna be experts on here. Give it a rest people.
Player #4250921
Player #4250921
wondering how many Columbus naysayers are Americans of European descent. I agree that the American Indians were horribly mistreated, but if you are of European descent and living in the USA than you benefited from Columbus and the other explorers.
Player Brian, if "they" are to be believed, WE should be ashamed & blamed for ALL of the unfair, evil, criminal actions ( real or imagined ) that have occurred- EVER !
Player #16094728
Player #16094728
It’s my birthday!!
It's Indigineous People's Day in Maine.
Player #4250921, and if you are from the southwest where ancestors are Spanish and American Indian.
It's Indigenous People's Day (now?) well it is in Virginia.
Funny story, when my mother in law was a little girl, the priest was quizzing them. He asked "who created the world?" She excitedly answered, "Christopher Columbus!" The priest had a big chuckle and said"Yes Aggie,he discovered the New world That God Created!
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
Melode, Don't put the whole blame on Christopher put it on Spain. They are the one's who sponsored the exposition. The Woke folks should be upset about having Spanish language classes in school
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
KILLean17, They, We or US is everyone on this planet we all have sinned against each other in way or another. I do appreciate all the brave people who have explored the earth and what we have learned. People have been moving around this planet for thousands of years
It's important that we recognize & teach truthful history. I'm thankful Columbus found Americas & celebrane him. I'm saddened by how indigenous ppl were treated.
I don’t know anywhere that actually celebrates Columbus as a day anymore.
Native Americans have their own holidays. Columbus was a great explorer. That is why he's celebrated. He's not being celebrated for all the atrocities that he and many others committed.
in San Diego nobody pays attention to Columbus day. when I was a kid in NY. we had the day off. not here. it's business as usual. poor Columbus he lost his respect ,by thisnation.
I will ensure if my young son is taught about Christopher Columbus that he knows the full truth! and why others celebrate Indigenous People Day.
I want the 50 50 option
my birthday
we celebrate his mistaken discovery instead of the natives who suffered greatly in the aftermath.
[bobbo16], True, but they didn't stay or tell anyone.
KL Hickman
KL Hickman
I don't celebrate that day
Player #14192708
Player #14192708
Who is indigenous? Everyone in America arrived at some point in time from somewhere else.
Wendell Thomas, Your first 2 words completely explain the following 6.
The name of this holiday will be changed to honor the native inhabitants prior to the invasion
Player #5100533
Player #5100533
Player #3113010 Alex, Why don't you celebrate "Fix Your Homeless People Day"??? I've been to Seattle many times, & It's Discusting.
Player #2386701
Player #2386701
[bobbo16], lol they never made it to America Minnesotan
In Nevada, we get the last Friday of the month off to celebrate Nevada Day. It used to get celebrated on Halloween, but that got changed to make it a 3 day weekend. Most people here don't celebrate Columbus Day except the banks and post office.
Player #3347507
Player #3347507
changes every year
Player SQinfoNUTS
Player SQinfoNUTS
Player Brian, regarding the big celebration. There was a relatively big celebration in the city of Philadelphia on that day that is Columbus Day in 1992. Actually it was kind of embarrassing large.
Player Brian
Player Brian
As a schoolboy in the '60s I was told that there would be a gigantic celebration in 1992. By the 90's it seemed that I should be ashamed to be a white man because of the genocide of the native population. Columbus day is now a day of sorrow and shame that few whites celebrate.