Many foods have extremely long shelf lives. What is the only food that lasts forever?
Correct answer: Honey
Save the bees! Without them no food, no pollination, watch your use of insecticides and plant flowers.
gattomalato, children under one cannot have honey due to minute traces of botulism in the honey. Their immune system has not developed enough to combat the small traces.
Also a natural antiseptic for wound healing due to its antibacterial and peroxide content.
Honey is an amazing product that still baffles science, 1
% of its contents are not yet identified. Bees are vital even to our survival (pollination) but sadly heading towards extinction because of pesticides and other things.
It's wasps who are the aggressive buggers.
What? What happens to the infants?
I expected to see twinkies as one of the choices
Montana Lady
I read an article not long ago that tested US honey & found that most of what is sold commercially is not real honey because it contains no pollen.
This is because large companies microfilter it to remove the pollen so it can't be traced to sources that the US has deemed illegal due to their use of nasty chemicals.
My take away from the article was that almost everything locally sourced & from farmer's markets is real... but from the grocery stores it's most likely not & there's no way to tell where it comes from.
Lady Jazz
medical professionals are starting to use medical grade Manuka honey to treat wounds as it has antiseptic and antibiotic properties.
honey is also good for chest infection's where the mucus is difficult to bring up ..
Honey helps to loosen the mucus .
This unfinished entry needs to be fixed. Also, the word is tract, not track (digestive tract).
what about salt
Boss Lady
You're right MontanaLady, and that's another reason why it taste different
T@sty Banana 💯 %
What about honeycake?
Honey 🍯 is a favourite food for American Black Bears 🐻.
sometimes even now people get buried in honey
I'm fareen banu
C Lou
LoiteringTorch416, Didn't u read above info?
Honey is not food.
Ooh, feel guilty now for all the stale crys
we Muslims have chapter in the quran about bees glory be to the Almighty
I like Honey 🍯
Player #140796199
Wisenheimer , just pop the jar into a pan which had boiled water in it. It will slowly but surely de-crystallise
ok I'm fine
Bees are amazing little creatures and
So I didn’t know that honey lasted a long time! That’s awesome! Honey is good!
hands up for those who know the proverb.. "as sweet as honey" "😊😊
gattomalato, they gradually turn into bees and will readily sting the entire family to death just to get to the flowers in the garden.
Montana Lady, It is always best to buy honey that is local to you.
Nigel , there is nothing like an Elvis Presley special sandwich peanut butter honey and banana grilled yummy yummy
NonplussedWeirdo176, I agree 100% save the bee save the bees they are so unique in their metabolism to help us with the flowers and the trees and the Polynesian oh my goodness
Never knew this,great fact
GingerSometimes, it's also good if you have seasonal allergies. the key is to buy tho local honey from your area and eat two teaspoons per day during allergy season. you will never have to buy OTC allergy meds again.
it may last forever, but it crystallizes.
Player #137846770
Watch The Bee Czar. Great show
I love honey, it's so sweet
Lady Jazz, honey has been used for years and years they are not just starting. They are bringing back old remedies especially for ulcers as they cannot be easily cured honey in the form that it is today in the dressings does not work.
GingerSometimes, WOW! NEVER knew this!! Thanks for the info! Def learned something new as always when playing this game💯👍🏼❣️
zubaria bi
sorry 🙏
Soy sauce also doesn’t spoil due to the salt content. My husband buried a bottle of soy sauce when he was 12 in 1977 and my 12-year-old son dug it up in 2018 and tasted it and it was fine 41 years later.
GingerSometimes, I was exactly dreaming that to answer it is not a solid food
it's a medicinal sap or Syrup