What is the medical term for having your gall bladder removed?

Correct answer: Cholecystectomy

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What people think about it: 10 Comments
I'm not saying that I was familiar with all but whoever picked lobotomy... probably had it already... :D
Rand Al'Thor
Rand Al'Thor
I actually ended up having this done at the age of 19. Doctors thought I had an ulcer, but after Zantac(Rx at the time) did nothing for it, an ultrasound showed 7 stones completely blocking off my bile duct. Easiest surgery of my life. Please don't wait penawareof and good luck. :)
Player #1489294
Player #1489294
penawareof, Do not put the surgery off , my relative died with surgery complications from waiting too long.
process of elimination 🙂
I probably need one of these. I have alot of trouble after I eat and yellow movements at times.
seanieG eire/kreta
seanieG eire/kreta
Soleil10001, I'd prefer a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
Rand Al'Thor, Very good comment, but the really interesting bit is : How many surgeries have you had so that this is the easiest?
Player kazmo
Player kazmo
Knew this pressed wrong button by mistake
having suffered cholestasis (ICP) made that question even easier to answer
Player #1474571
Player #1474571
penawareof, my mom died 1 yr after removal of her gallbladder she had cancer