Of the cities listed, which is not a state capital of one of the United States of America?
Correct answer: Anchorage, Alaska

Haarveen3, you can drive from Here on to other cities on that island. Juneau is COMPLETELY isolated

I love living in Alaska. I have never been to Juneau though.

Fairbanks is the second largest city in Alaska actually. Not Juneau.

Juneau.. I learn a lot from this game..

Answer explanation is wrong, Honolulu is also not connected by roads to North America. Sure, there are roads to other towns on the island of Oahu, but Honolulu County is the entire island.

Player #29793410
I'm from Anchorage and Fairbanks is the 2nd largest city, Juneau has a transient population due to the fact that most of the politicians don't live there.

Player Gigi #28446253
and a lovely town it is.
has great pubs!

Player #24358685
I don't know how that posted--no where near the post button. Second try, ahem...
Second largest city at 31,000. Ancorage population is just under 300,000.

Player #24358685
The second largest city at 000

adams101313, best donuts in whole state are in juneau.giant loaf size maple bars!locals know.dont know if i can mention buisness's on this format.

Totally should have known this! My father retired to Alaska.

JoeMama1960, Rim shot!

Stayathomefiance109, there's not much there, everything is in Anchorage now. I lived in Wasilla for 5yrs, and my sister and nieces and nephews still live there.

GlintingYeti46561, lol