Whose 1939 Nobel Peace Prize nomination was retracted in February of that same year?
Correct answer: Adolf Hitler's

Quiz Iași
Why use theq relatively obscure word "shoah" instead of the term everyone knows - Holocaust?

Dave Wheeldon ll
he was not mad he and his henchmen knew exactly what they were doing thank god for the rest of us he failed

Unfortunately, the Nobel Peace Prize has lost its significance in recent years. Political correctness ruins many things. “Everyone gets a trophy” ruins the excitement of winning one.

Player #9664118
Quiz Iași, Because if you have read the history of the Holocaust you would know what it is. Spielberg did a whole project called the Shoa Project where he interviewed all remaining survivors so the atrocities would be well documented so it couldn't be denied

they're not too discriminating in who they give that thing out to sometimes

3 months before the invasion of Poland would be June 1st 1939. So the February 1939 retraction is logically incoonsistent.

( Snail Darter)
Quiz Iași, Shoah means disaster, destruction, or devastation in Hebrew. All of those effected by the “holocaust” know what it means......

Player #7954279
Quiz Iași, exactly... Jews are NOT only victims of ww2

crazy cat
Player #326446, not mad just evil.

Sonicgirl, u mad? he was a despicable person who killed millions

Lucie Freya
Jackie, Palestinians have also been victims. Both sides have suffered!

Lucie Freya
Quiz Iași, also mastermind. Really?

I always wondered why Sweden would an award to someone as horrible as Hitler. I didn't realize it was supposed to nail him for his atrocities.

Player #25745456, whoa…..granted, many non-Jews also lost their lives in the death camps - most credible estimates say c 500,000 - but the overwhelming majority - 6 million, in case you need reminding - were Jews. Not sure what you mean by “from other European nations” - the Jewish nation state of Israel was only created in 1948, and isn’t in Europe - but the Jews who were murdered came from predominantly European countries….so perhaps you are double counting? Also not sure what you mean “the Jews seem to have forgotten the “Shoah” - absolutely not, there is even more determination to ensure it never happens again now that very few survivors are left….and now that they have been the victims of another racist atrocity on October 7th.

JamJam, he didn’t….he was only nominated - ironically - and then the nomination was retracted.

NobbyDeux, "Political correctness is tyranny with manners. I wish you strength to be unpopular. Popularity is history's pocket change. Courage is history's real currency " -Charlton Heston

I didn't know he won one! 😳

Paula J
Player #37357888, incorrect. He also knocked off several high ranking terrorists who were responsible for the deaths of thousands of American citizens

Hitler was also Time magazine's "Man of the Year" in 1938

( Snail Darter), thank you.

Quiz Iași, why not? Learn a new word, look it up! Yay learning!

Quiz Iași, Shoah relates to the Hebrew for catastrophe that happened to the Jews. Holocaust was used as it was understood more by English speaking prople but both are as relevant as each other

Player #25745456, you mean the terrorist state?

Ruby Woo, Obama didn't do it for you?

Ruby Woo
Ukraniac, they lost all credibility with me a couple of decades ago when they awarded the Peace prize to Yassir Arafat, who up until a few years earlier had been responsible for several deadly terrorist actions.

Player #38500784
Quiz Iași, i had know idea what that meant. was going to look it up thanks

Player #7954279, there are other nationalities that died as well...Germans...Blacks...Swedish people...etc

Ukraniac, In the year 2022...I think every award nowadays don't mean anything...the Oscars...the Grammys...no significance at all...they seem to have LOST it's TRUE purpose...I think only the ones in medicine count...

Player #38618593
Quiz Iași,
Better question:
Why don't you just learn a new word?

Quiz Iași, I learned a new word today. Maybe that's why.

Player #50531971
munro, yes, agreed, what is up with the timing in this question?

Remember when the creator of lobotomy won?

Quiz Iași, just a shot in the dark but shoah is Yiddish in origin and has thus been used in an attempt to show cultural solidarity to the survivors and families, the word holocaust is a general term for that type of atrocity it's not specific to Hitler's crimes ....as I said just a guess

Sadie B
Never thought evil should be rewarded.

Player Diver Dan
Player #10628522,
Apparently you didn't comprehend the key point that the 'nomination' was intended as "ironic" "commentary", not as a genuine nomination.

Sounds to me like Brendt was giving very good legal advice about what to announce to defuse the situation. It might have been true what he said about the prime minister but it doesnt ring true that you would go to the trouble of officially making hitler an offer just to what prove a point? nooo i dont think so somehow

Player #36538550
He wouldn't be breaking his own rule. Hitler was Austrian not German

I didn't know about it. Like the author said in the description "sarcastic" fact. Thank you.

Brandt should have known better than to play games with any Nobel nomination.

That was a teeny bit obvious