What union did Jimmy Hoffa head until his 1975 disappearance?
Correct answer: The Teamsters

Crime doesn't pay! Crime may be temporarily gratifying but it isn't worth the price!
All have sinned, all people have the opportunity to be forgiven and saved! Ask for forgiveness daily and call on Jesus Christ of Nazareth to save you!

Bobby Red Shoes
Shows you how corrupt Nixon really was

I think it's ridiculous that so many people think there's a body out there to be found, as if the mob was run by a bunch of amateur hacks with no power or influence.
All those guys needed was ONE animal control officer or ONE mortician who wouldn't ask questions to gain access to a crematorium.

Boy, he sure lived up to his middle name for his remains are still considered a "riddle".

Shilo Harrington
This was one case thar has always stumped me.

the amount he was paid was exuberant amount for even that time period

Player #23265135
there was a member of the Mafia who owned a mortuary and crematorium. You tell me why his body was never found.

HandyPerception124, What is sad is what the Teamster Union did to the hard working people who depended on the monies at the time!

the barn kept my horse at was dug up looking for him. not found but got a brand new barn and nicer

I clicked "Bad", accidentally. I think this is a good question, and the bio is very interesting.

GEM78891, no, He is from Bethlehem

I heard this story over and over again. I loved in Detroit two blocks away from the Teamsters Union. No matter what was going there was always talk of Hoffa whenever they had get together there. We used to play baseball in the lot right behind the Teamsters. It would be nice if someone could put an end to the stories.

Save Gaza
Player #20132729, Everyone is probaby dead by now

Artie , Jimmy fought for the working man his entire adult life , Jommy started out at the bottom and and worked his way up

Player #23265135, actually Tonny Jack owned 3 in the Detroit area , funny thing about a creamation furnace, it doesn’t know wether there is one body or ten in the oven 🤣🤣🤣

Very controversial figure.

Cat Mom
GEM78891, Amen!

He was an important historic figure due to the power he wielded. But he was a ruthless vicious gangster.

Player SQinfoNUTS, The head of the Kennedy clan was part of the Mafia. Makes me wonder how good and upright all his offspring were. just a thought.

One crook (Nixon) helping another crook (Hoffa). They all stick together.

odd that his middle name is riddle and no one knows what happened to him, well someone knows

sleeping with the fishes!!!

Alec, The Ties with the Mofia was propaganda to discredit him & weaken his influence with the common working class The U.S Government was responsible for his disappearance think about it..if he worked for the mafia why would they kill a cash cow like him?

Alec, what you fail to see (or know) was at the time Hoffa was MORE powerful than the U.S. Government he could & did bring them to their knees by simply striking & telling Truck Drivers to NOT deliver their loads..The sitting president could not & would not allow 1 man to weild that much Influence over the American people & commerce

Bobby Red Shoes, the majority of them are

Diamond Dave 61
Hoffa was the man till he ended up in a can in the ocean LOL

took him to a hog farm they were hungry

Player #23265135, I think if that’s true . . . You’re absolutely right!

WaldoLydeker, right? And who names their kid “riddle”?? “Oh, your great great grandpa Riddle McPherson. . . was in the Navy?” 🤪

GEM78891, Amen to That, sister !

I honestly believe that he was stuffed into a barrel of acid and totally dissolved...perhaps hydrochloric acid.

Nutshell, Well Hoffa did know a lot of guys in construction.

My son was Jimmy Hoffa for Halloween 1993 (he was 5) and no one knew who he was. We were shocked. It was Texas, so there's THAT. HAHAHAH

I think he was buried under his own parking space.
So many people wanted him dead, it was so easy to grab him, knock good ol Jimmy unconscious and put him in liquid cement until it dries.

Player #48354762
Player #4071086, so what..you understood the word anyways..

Pensacola Girl
poopsie, What are you trying to say?

Player #44731215
real world , bible thumpers!

The corrupt leader of the Teamster's Union. Disappeared and never found

Player #35054557
Fonabolla, I think it was the “Iceman” that said that. A blue Toyota if I remember correct🤔

Player #34411425
Yes crime does not pay, the Bible says sin is fun for a season.