Patty Duke won an Oscar in 1963 for portraying what popular author?
Correct answer: Helen Keller

Player #3813778
Years later, Melissa Gilbert's Half-Pint productions did a Made for Television version with Gilbert as Helen, and Patty Duke as Annie Sullivan. Patty Duke won the Emmy for Best Actress that year. The best on either side of the story.

Hiler From Ozryn
Patty Duke did an amazing performance for this movie. She was an outstanding actress. I miss her. May her soul RIP.

This movie makes me cry when Helen understands water every time I see it. Love Patty Duke and Anne Bancroft. I could especially relate to Patty Duke's mental illness.

CruddyHercules6905, Helen Keller was an author later in her life.

She did an excellent job..her oscar was deserving

Player #11503902
Considering what Patty Duke was living through, when off camera, her amazing acting talent is even more impressive. Watching her act, you would never know she was experiencing abuse and mental illness. I am so glad she found help and hopefully found some real happiness and peace.

I saw the movie. Most inspiring and moving. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.👍👍🇺🇸

I like the eating with a fork scene with Anne Bancroft (Annie) trying to get Helen to eat in a mannerly way..not with her fingers or going around a table and eating off peoples plates at will as she was accustomed to doing while dining with her parents and brother.

They walk alike, they talk alike, identical cousins!!

Player #14780657
Player #8930199, I just discovered that Patty Duke is Sean Astins mom, and his adoptive father is John Aston who played Gomez on the addams family! Actually I learned all of this after looking up further info abt an addams family question in this game! lol

At one time both Hellen Keller and George S Patton lived in the same California neighborhood.

Cat Mom
I've never seen this movie before but will definitely watch it now!

Patty Duke did a great job portraying Helen Keller. It's one of my favorite movies. True life story. Ms Keller went on to become an outstanding individual despite her handicaps.

Jimbo*21, Yes.
She one time visited Lake Charles, La

from giget to an Oscar for hellen keller thats pretty impressive


I have never recall seeing the movie, I a lot about her but don’t think I ever seen the movie.

This movie is one of the reasons I became a teacher. Bridging the gap and helping us all understand our worth is why I do it. 👍

Boogie Best
Mareballs, what do you mean?!

Boogie Best
Sis, I don’t get what you’re talking about

Boogie Best
Uninitialized, ❤️

Boogie Best
GoldenTroll81338, me too!

Boogie Best
Player #14780657, that is so cool!😝

Rowsdower, cousin smile 😊

Joyous one
Player #9733488, Patty did play Sullivan when older to Melissa Gilbert's Helen in remake, both versions were good, the 1st being bit better in black and white.

Patty Duke made history with that Oscar win. She was the first minor to win an Oscar in a regular acting category competing against adults. Prior to that juvenile actors from Shirley Temple to Hayley Mills received special mini Oscars. Patty deserved that Oscar she was an amazing actress.

Player #29875947
Player #3813778, Melissa Gilbert is super rude.

Lauren... it was Sally Field that played Sybil

I also loved Patty Duke on Cybal. I wish I had that movie. I'd watch it over and over.

JuJu7756, and an activist!

Player #33478998
Player #28994783, Tuscumbia, Alabama...Hi! I'm from Sheffield.

. . .she was famous and notable, but not a"popular"author; I think the question is poorly worded

Guillermo Jr.
never realized Anne was also blind..

Player #32705213
you asked for the Author not what the book was about

Among her many accomplishments, Helen Keller came to Miami,Florida to convince the School Board to allow blind children to go to local schools rather then the State School in St. Augustin, Florida. The Board was very moved by her plea,and also because she actually spoke to them. God bless Ms Keller and that open minded and open hearted School Board.

Player #28994783
Helen Keller was born and raised in Sheffield, Alabama. I was born and raised in the next town of Florence. They are only a bridge apart. I have taken my children and grandchildren there and.

Player Rick #29423783
SurfingonVenus, They both wore rubber kneepads, because the action got so physically challenging, which Patty agreed to. It took two whole days to film that scene. But it was worth it, huh?

Player #29277015
I didn't know she was an author either

She was a very talented actress. Sadly she suffered from mental illness for many years, before she was diagnosed.

Player #HoneyHeart
Annie Sullivan was not blind, her vision was quite fragile and impaired when she first became Helen's tutor