What is the Sargasso Sea?
Correct answer: The only sea unbounded by land

Now that's a fascinating piece of information! I must remember this for future quizzes.

I've smiled through the Sargasso.. such deep blueness, like pure blue light. Swimming there was magical

Lisa C
LaContessa, On Hatteras island, off the coast of North Carolina, we frequently get huge masses of " sargasso weed". It's so thick that fishing and swimming are impossible. It travels from the sargasso sea and settles on the Carolina beaches. Just a fun fact!

Remember you never to old to learn. I saw this quote that said| 'never stop learning because the world never stop teaching' I call myself a knowledge sponge. So, we never stop learning because the world will always be our classroom for life.

I remember watching an old black and white movie that took place there. It was a Sci-Fi horror movie. a boat, perhaps a cargo ship, was trapped in the Sargasso Sea. One by one the sailor's disappeared. The movie filmed it as if it was also trapped in a deep fog. so there was no mention of the beautiful clear blue water.
I was very young when I watched it so I don't remember much more about the movie.

Player #11503902
A later author wrote a prequel to Jane Eyre, called Sargasso Sea. Great read, from the perspective of Rochester’s first wife (the mad woman in the attic). I highly recommend the book. She is finally given a voice.

WOW!! This is really amazing info!

LaContessa, I have heard it was a breeding ground foe eels. Don't know if that is true.

Player #9139150
Anytime I can learn about the ocean, I feel more enriched :)

Dr. Deb
Ok, all the people asking about the Bermuda Triangle, did you read in the description of the Sargasso Sea that it is bounded by four (4) currents??? Now, how many sides in a triangle???

Bermuda triangle is located in Sargasso sea

Player #122266993
Player #125843019,
I think she meant sailed; off by one letter. Although I'm sure it made her smile.😊

I remember my Geography teacher teaching us about the Sargaso sea, we were told that this is where Eels travel to the have their young, no mention of that here.

Player #125843019
VividPotion6704, why did you smile

Dr. Deb, it’s N-E-A-R that there triangle dude (or “Dr. Deb”) too close for comfort!

DeadlyLabyrinth41231, doesn’t sound like somewhere I’d wanna swim or SCUBA dive . . Too near the Bermuda Triangle?

Lisa C, “verrry inneresting” (have you seen It’s A Wonderful Life ~ Jimmy Stewart line)

Scarry Sargasso Sea soo wide and soo deep impossible to Swim and still alive

seanieG eire/kreta
KChristanne24, I read somewhere that all the eels spawn there

I have read about the Sargasso Sea in literature. Did not know it existed. Fascinating and enlightening!

I remember from a Greek literature class, possibly, about a sea where ships become stranded. I thought it was the Sargasso Sea or something very similar to that name. The sea that I read about was formed much the same way as this Sargasso Sea, except that ships could not move because there wasn’t any wind or water movement. So ships were basically caught in a still calm sea. Anyone know, of the literature, or the sea of which I’m writing?

Player #11503902, Is that true? I loved reading Jane Eyre. I would be interested in a sequel!

DutchBaby120, Was it called The Lost Continent? (1968 film)

Lisa C, here where we live we see sargasso at least ones. a year

Lisa C, here were we live on

Player Tystyx, there

LionQueenT0727, No, the Bermuda triangle is in the Caribbean.

seen the movie, "wide sargasso see"

It's also where eels come from.

Orville Parker Gildock
a natural purifier?

Player #38618593
VividPotion6704, "sailed"

Dr. Deb
oh, and it's in the North Atlantic. Where is Bermuda, people?

B Rock
Player. Ty, 40 ft isnt a rouge wave. thats a mild swell. 100+ in the North Pacific, no that will scare even the best sailors

Player #36146864
LaContessa, me too

Player #35204026
Player #11503902, The Wide Sargasso Sea

The Wide Sargasso Sea (title of the novel by Jean Rhys) was the clue that gave me the answer.

Player #33835992
Brilliant question. Great fact!

Guillermo Jr.
side note... my favorite bonus games are the "matching snowflakes"

Player #30081257
How its north and south of north atlantic....??? :))